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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. You feel better now? Got a nice finishing band moving through for the last little bit, it's snowing moderately again with big fluffy flakes and will likely add another inch. Time to go out and shovel and measure after another cup of coffee I
  2. Well that didn't last long Big fluffy flakes to almost nothing in 15 minutes. I guess I'll take my 2-3" and be happy since I didn't expect even an inch.
  3. Flake size really ramped up here, big fluffers floating down and accumulating nicely. Not what I expected here but I'll take it! 24/24/NE2 SN
  4. I'm thinking this will come in cold enough that it should be able to be cleared with a leaf blower. I'm charging up a few batteries
  5. Have fun down there. I'll be cleaning my driveway with a leaf blower
  6. I only got a dusting but it's so nice to see an old skool clipper pass through. Maybe I can break the 20" mark for the season tonight/tomorrow ... ?
  7. Nice little snow showers moving through. It's mostly graupel but it looks good in my "snow lights"
  8. It's kinda nice seeing all this talk about a Clipper but I'll be disappointed if it's more productive on the coast than here in the northern hills.
  9. Yup, final is 12". It ranged from 9" on a southern exposure that saw a fair bit of wind to 14" on car tops and garbage cans. Around the yard on the ground ran from 11 on the flat to 14 on the N side in a shady spot. It looks great, I have 5 foot high snowbanks at the bottom of the driveway for the first time in a few years, the roads are dry already and I didn't run out of beer before I finished shoveling. Good storm! Puts me at 20" for the season
  10. My new board got disturbed so it's useless but I easily have a foot of goo. I'm kinda surprised but I'll take it!
  11. I would've had a real reading for y'all because I finally put out a board for this one but a branch came down and disturbed the whole area where it was Anyway, I'm good with calling it a foot, there was 8" on the flats when I started shoveling and 2 hours later there was another 4" when I got back to where I started. It's still snowing nicely but it's mostly needles and broken flakes and it's not like it was under that crazy backside band. This is some heavy stuff too, shoveling is a full body workout
  12. At 3am it hadn't started yet, by the time I got up a bit before 7 there was 5" on the ground. It's that clumpy stuff that balls up on bushes and trees making it look like more.
  13. I like the 2-12 call. That's pretty much what I said to my wife a few hours ago.
  14. If the EC is right and I only get ~4" and they get a foot or better " down south" they'll be ahead of my seasonal total. That'll sting a little
  15. Ehh, the north trend will bring you back in
  16. They have me at 8-12. Yeah? I'll get the leaf blower ready.
  17. So, does this incoming mess feel like it's gonna be a wet > white 3" slopfest to anyone else? Can we just shoot this one in the ass and move on to spring? I need shit to start leafing out and suck this ground dry not more wetness. #snowornothing! ?
  18. Bite your tongue I'm good with it being 287 and you should be too.
  19. I walked out the hotel door this morning and it's 55°. Not quite what I expect in Chicago in February.
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