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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Halloween will get snowed out again for the third time this decade.
  2. I wouldn't mind seeing another one the day before Thanksgiving where I get 10" of cement that shuts down the drunken stupidity like we got in 2014.
  3. Yeah there can be significant differences in max depth and regular clearing amounts. Like was mentioned in that writeup, 30" was out of line.
  4. That 65 degree Xmas Eve a few years ago was wonderful. Mountain biking in shorts and t-shirts that night was something I'll never forget. There was a whole bunch of riders out hootin' and hollerin' and just having a big old time like it was mid summer. I wouldn't mind another one like that
  5. Very few of the old clubs were as successful much later than that either. At that point small shows had transitioned to theaters rather than clubs but there was still a strong bar band scene and very occasionally the bigger bands would show up for those bar shows.
  6. I remember that well, my neighbor didn't stop raving about it for days afterwards. That was a year or so before I started going there because they didn't like my fake id I remember that too. I also remember some of the incredible shows the club in Island Park used to get when we first moved to O'side in 1970. Most of the really great stuff, The Doors, Grateful Dead was slightly before that but until ~73 that place killed it. She used to live in Rockville Center right at the edge of the RVC Country Club. Nice house
  7. Oh man I saw some great stuff at Malibu. We used to walk in from the beach side and half the time never got asked for money. The Ramones and so many others... DSO is great. I used to see Jeff in small bars around LI over 30 years ago. 90.7 is still good but without Pete and Vin it's just not the same place it used to be.
  8. I miss so many of the old dj's. Vin Scelsa recently retired and Pete Fornatale died of an aneurysm so they're both gone from the air but there are a couple still working from the late 60's and 70's on Sirius/XM. Cousin Brucie is still on Wednesday and Saturday nights on channel 6, the 60's channel, and I listen to Carol Miller, Meg Griffin, Dusty Street and Jim Ladd regularly and I think that Dennis Elsas is still on the air here in NY. There's really nobody like Scottso though.
  9. I'd think that most of Great South Bay is too shallow for critters that big especially at low tide. Haha I bet it's sketchy being in a small boat and these things that are triple your size are around.
  10. A bird hit by a car in NY? I'm so surprised I know that I've seen some great birds along the barrier beaches and on Long Island golf courses over the years.
  11. That's fantastic. I can't imagine it ever having been like that back when I was growing up down there.
  12. I took it as a statement that the Arctic Ocean at Barrow isn't frozen yet. Looks like the sea ice is getting a slow start (again) this year.
  13. Feet on the ground there girl, get with it Where you're at now you need to be more in touch with this stuff. I'm surprised you didn't realize that there isn't a very large propane tank somewhere outside the house that's accessible to the street. There should be a meter where the gas line comes into the house.
  14. In most circumstances I'd agree with you and I would do all I could to slow down and reduce the impact but unless I could guarantee being able to maintain control (grassy median or similar) or at least have a fair chance at it I would still choose to hit it rather than point the car off the road. The elk I hit was at around midnight 30 miles from the nearest town and it was 15* and snowing. Thankfully it slipped and fell so I didn't take it out full on and I was in a nearly 6,000 pound Landcruiser wagon so I pretty much went over it but did get a piece of antler through the radiator and made a general mess but I survived to be able to tell a great story rather than some other folks I know that chose to try and miss them and lost to immovable objects or launched off and rolled.
  15. Places like that taught me to never make a radical maneuver to avoid a critter in the road. I've watched cars fly off the road to miss things that they would have plowed right through and been able to continue on their way instead of having a wrecked car and being stuck out in the middle of nowhere freezing their patooties off waiting for help. A couple of times I've given people rides into the next town because I wasn't going to sit and burn a tank of gas waiting for a tow in the morning. I've creamed deer and once an elk rather than risking my safety to miss it. Thankfully none of the things I've hit disabled my vehicle but I'd rather be disabled on the road than upside down in a ditch or possibly worse, at least if you're on the road you have a chance at maintaining control but once you're off the road it's out of your hands entirely.
  16. That's why my world is so fkd up... Math and I have never played well together
  17. You need to get a fat bike and some good active outdoor winter clothing. There's nothing like getting out in the woods during the winter when everything is in a state of hibernation and the snow is just right. You don't even notice the cold if you're dressed right. There are some great places around the metro area for winter riding and just over the line in PA there are groomed trail networks where fat bikes are allowed and you can go for miles and miles in the quiet solitude of winter. There's no such thing as being cooped up, it's what you make of it
  18. I figured you'd know Jerry. Not only is he a dedicated weather nerd that wrote the definitive book on eastern NY weather,he's also a map nut. He used to be a distributor for USGS Topo maps.
  19. If you want an accurate measurement for Westchester look up Jerome(?) Thaler and see what he had. He is the pre-eminent weather guru for the Lower Hudson Valley.
  20. Yup. 30-40 miles to my SE Brian had a solid storm raging while we were bbq'ing dinner.
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