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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. I saw some great shots from the Smuggs zone yesterday and today.
  2. I couldn't tell for sure but it looked like the surface had frozen back up nicely. The places that are frozen pretty much look good and firm, if not tonight ought to get them there. I can't get out into the woods yet so I'm stuck looking at ice and trying to figure out if the ground surface is frozen by looking out the car window
  3. If you want winter come slide down my driveway and try not to land on your bum (or worse). That ought to remind you that it doesn't really have to look like winter to be winter. @Juliancolton how's the ice up there? It looks like most of the shallower ponds did ok but there are big open patches in the reservoirs and all of the faster moving creeks opened back up.
  4. I really didn't expect that glacier to disappear so quickly. I watched it happen and I still can't quite believe it. I'm so glad my basement stayed dry, I guess the ground stayed frozen enough. I'm afraid that when it does thaw things are going to get messy though. At least it's back below freezing now.
  5. Yep snow is all gone in Ridgefield/Danbury CT. It has been pouring for a while now and it's 52*. Dreary day...
  6. Boy it's wet out there. I'm thinking I need to go downstairs and make sure there's nothing on the floor that will get damaged by water. If this glacier melts off today, which is starting to appear likely, the basement is sure to get wet.
  7. It's high 30's but there's very little melting going on.
  8. I'm still at ~30* but things are getting wet outside. We have to go out in a few minutes so I'll track the temps on the dashboard as we're moving around, the street and driveways on my street are looking wet now where they were still dry a few hours ago.
  9. In their morning discussion OKX doesn't seem to be too concerned with the icing potential later today and this evening. It seems to me that with the whole area being a solid block of ice and the streets, sidewalks and everything else being frozen several inches down any liquid that falls has the potential to freeze especially with ALL of the drainages and storm drains filled with ice and ice banks right up to the edge of the traffic lanes keeping whatever falls in the traffic lanes. I foresee a difficult time ahead.
  10. I saw 2 on a couple of local stations and 4 on the others. It was plenty cold It's not like I'm looking forward to a drenching rainstorm but it will be nice to get ride of some of this ice. I have a feeling it's going to be kind of a disaster though as there's no place for the new water to go with everything frozen solid.
  11. Accumulating ice fog/pixie dust in Danbury right now.
  12. Yeah it's just tough when you're used to being so active and always moving to just sit around and do nothing.
  13. Yeah if they can track the runoff back to a particular property the DEP can fine you for using the wrong herbicides and pesticides. I solved the problem by ignoring things like that and fertilizing a long time ago. I mean really, who wants a lawn that grows faster and thicker anyway. Not me I haven't heard of people getting hassled by them for using the wrong type of ice melt but it's on the books so I try to avoid using certain things just so we don't have a problem.
  14. I'm feeling pretty good all things considered. I'm getting tired of just sitting around 'waiting' to get better. The docs, the wife, pretty much everyone I know keeps saying 'relax, it'll be ok, you'll get better...' I need to do something other than walk around the supermarket where it's flat and warm, I'm fkn bored out of my mind. I have the patience of a NYer and it's not serving me well
  15. Well, after spending $2k that we didn't have to take down 3 weak, leaning 80 footers yesterday before the storm we lost 2 60 footers today. The ones we had taken down yesterday were either leaning towards ours or the neighbors houses and they were sketchy so they needed to go, the ones today fell harmlessly into the yard. Unfortunately they badly damaged trees that were otherwise healthy and fine. Man, I'm gonna have firewood for years. I need a big boy chainsaw and a Granberg mill so I can slab some of this stuff up and make some nice furniture. I've got maple, ash, elm, hickory and chokecherry down now. Temp is down to 22 and the wind is light out of the N.
  16. That's what I got. When you're in a watershed zone you have to be careful or the fines are onerous.
  17. I made my own salt/sand mix. We got 100 pounds of sand and 80 pounds of salt and mixed them about 50/50. It seems to be working pretty well. Looks like the rain is stopping now, hopefully that's it as the temp is still dropping.
  18. It's still raining pretty hard here and the temp has dropped to 30, a few local stations are showing 29. The ice just keeps getting thicker Tree limbs are hanging down to the ground now all around, it's just a matter of time before the power goes out.
  19. It's back below freezing (31) and dropping with moderate rain falling and the wind is picking up again. It's getting ugly.
  20. It's ugly out there, easily .25" of ice and it's still raining. I'm disappointed in the neighbors that said they'd help clear the driveway then did theirs but ignored ours.
  21. Looks like I had ~4" before the flip to sleet. That brought it down to 3 and the heavy freezing rain I'm getting now has it down to 2, maybe a bit less. We've got transformers popping outside now. My power is still on but the next block over is dark. It's 30* and the ice is building quickly now
  22. Even though it's been snowing for a few hours now it's barely accumulating. The wind has changed to the ESE with more of a southerly component than I'd like to see.
  23. Snow pellets and grains now,no more sleet, temp is back down to 32.
  24. I didn't expect the precip to start as sleet but that's what I've got falling. Temp popped from 30/31 all afternoon to 34 just before it started.
  25. Still cold and winds out of the NNE. Not feeling the wetness that's forecasted.
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