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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. I both enjoy and dread really windy days around here anymore. I love the sound of the wind screaming through the trees but really dislike losing power to downed trees and branches. I have a bunch of stuff to do early tomorrow with the whole family in the car, gonna try to stick to bigger roads without as many trees hanging over the roads.
  2. Yeah what is on the ground locked up again last night. I'm thinking that the stuff that's still here is more durable than what we usually have at this time of year so I'll be curious to see how it holds up through the weekend warmth and wetness.
  3. Thankfully it's warming quickly with bright blue skies and (almost) spring sun angles. Looks like I avoided any tree damage this time.
  4. .2-.3" of ice on everything. I watched my neighbor across the street crawl up his driveway to get to his car then watched him get in to start it and it slid to the bottom of the hill all the way through his backyard. It went over a landscaping wall, bounced off a tree and spun sideways. Big body damage and it's gonna take a good sized wrecker to extract it from where it's at. Lucky guy was able to jump out before it went over the wall. This warmup today can't come too quickly.
  5. Yeah I had an inch before it flipped to freezing rain. This is getting silly, every damn storm involves some amount of ice. The only times it didn't was the coatings in December. This is horrible.
  6. I'd call it 85-90% snow cover here. Actually it's solid ice cover Sunny, exposed south faces are burned out but otherwise it's complete. I did a lap around CT today and some places have real winter going on with real snowpack and snowbanks, you don't even need to go up into the hills. I'd give this winter a D at best and that's only because it did get cold. If we don't get a storm with snow rather than ice I'll probably drop that to a D-.
  7. Looks like I only made it to 14, it's 18 now. So tomorrows storm looks like another icy mess. This is really getting old.
  8. I think I'm at ~16-17" so need 30 to get to average. I'm not feeling it In fact, if it turned into golf weather tomorrow I'd be alright with it.
  9. I got a flaky, sleety coating and topped it off with a nice slickery glaze. I've got a nice moderate density freezing fog going on, makes for a dreary day.
  10. @Hitman So, ya got your fill of snow for the season?
  11. Being on the west slope of the Sierra it always seems to have different (wetter) weather than at the lake, I guess that's why I thought it was further down. I looked at what some of the people that live there are talking about on another forum I frequent and it's a mess trying to get into the basin. Most people are turning around and heading home rather than fight their way up to end up sleeping in their cars somewhere. I80 is not open over the top and US 50 is backed up for 20+ miles. Gonna be a lot of bummed out skiers missing a great weekend.
  12. And that's 'down the hill', I wonder what it's doing up at lake level and mid mountain.
  13. I was wondering what the temps were over that way when it went through. It had just popped above 32 when it went through here so cleared surfaces are just wet. How much of this glacial mess will degrade today and how much will be left when it locks up again tonight?
  14. There are quite a few along the Croton River corridor. I drive up and down between Croton Falls and Brewster at least 5 days a week and see one or two most days, I bet if I stopped and paid attention I'd see more. There is also at least one peacock in the area. I have 2 hawks nests in the yard, we saw a big one the other day sitting on a branch waiting for breakfast to make itself evident. It looks like the drizzle has already moved through this morning, maybe we get a nice(ish) dry day today
  15. Well yeah but... Sketchy right? You need to get YakTrax or similar. I'm looking forward to some warmth tomorrow.
  16. This time it's ok if it goes away, it's just a useless ice pack that's sketchy to move around on. The way the ice creeps into the roads as it melts during the day and refreezes at night is kind of scary too. It is kinda nice to look at this morning with flurries drifting down but I'd rather it be gone.
  17. Every time the wind blows it's an ice cascade as everything falls off the trees. It sounds like breaking glass and hurts when it knocks you on the head. It was bright and sunny up until a few minutes ago, now the clouds are moving in. I'd sure like to see a wall to wall sunny day to melt off some of this carp.
  18. What a mess! The ice isn't as thick this time as last month but I think there was a lot more sleet this time so the pack is super dense and the crust is nearly thick and strong enough to stand on without going through. It's slicker than last time too, my dogs can't even move on it so they pooped and peed right outside the door It looks kind of nice though, everything is all glittery and shiny
  19. One thing that really stands out to me is how few times there were more than one such storms in any particular year. It happened more in the last 18 years than the previous hundred.
  20. Sometimes it adds up. We've had some impressive sleetstorms here over the last 15 years. 6+" of pure sleet is a sight... and a big a*s hassle and we've had that a few times. #Thenewclimateregime
  21. My daughter said the Butternut was 'firm' yesterday. Jason yeah I sure did have some epic days. I'm so glad I got to do all of that while I was in my 20's.
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