D-. Too much wasted cold, too much ice and sleet, too much rain, rotten "snowcover" days and only 30" of total frozen precip. I'd give it an F but it was certainly more wintry than 11/12 which was the recent benchmark for dud winters.
A 4-5 foot thump in an hour would be insane. I've seen 12"/hr for 3 hours and that was something I don't expect to ever see again, I'd like to but I don't think I will. When you're in the house and it goes from daylight to darkness as the snow goes over the top of the window...
Yeah that was the real deal last night. I had all of the gutters overflowing for a while there. Now the yard is a muck pit. I had to move my car out of the driveway yesterday afternoon and put it out by the street on the front of the lawn where i carved out a parking area a few years ago. As the ground finished thawing during the day and the snowbank melted out it sunk a little bit, with all of that rain it sunk in about 4" and I'm going to have to tow it out this morning. It is completely high centered from one end to the other as it only has 4.5" of clearance. Maybe after another cup of coffee
I saw 70 on the dashboard this afternoon, actually I saw 68-69 it was my wife that saw it hit 70, in Danbury. It's awfully nice out there right now, too bad the woods are a total mudpit.
I saw 63 in Wappingers and 65 by KPOU on 376. Yeah the spray from melting snow was pretty significant, used a bunch of wiper fluid today. Heh, brand new tires on warm pavement on some of your local twisties was a bunch of fun today
What a nice day up here in Julian land. Not much snow left here, pretty surprising considering how much there us in CT.
Yup the moths came out at my place a few days ago, so did the spider crickets
It looks like tomorrow may get into the mid 50's and so will Friday. As long as it stays dry tomorrow, and it looks like it will, that will feel pretty good. Friday looks like a washout.
It still looks and feels like late winter out there this morning. Make it go away please I went for a 3 mile walk on the beach on Fire Island yesterday with y wife and one of our daughters and it felt so good to be out there but it would have been even better if we didn't need to be so bundled up. I love the beach this time of year.
Well that was fun. It snowed hard for the drive over there and for a few minutes while I was there then it flipped to heavy sleet a few inutes after 6:30 and stayed that way for about a half hour. By the time I got home a few minutes after 7 it had pretty much stopped then started raining a few minutes later. We had 1/2" of dense slickery stuff before it changed over and then I fell asleep, it's all rain now. Dreary day...
@DRVTS what's happening up in your area?
Flipped from warm to cold and turned to moderate bordering on heavy snow. Wind is way up at least here on the hill. I have to go drive to Danbury now so will have a better idea of what's going on when I get home around 7.
I'm still near 100% coverage on areas that aren't in direct sun for the better part of the day, IOW anything that's not south facing is still fully covered with 4-8" of sloppy sugary snow. I think the wet stuff incoming tonight and tomorrow will break it up and the warm days this week will make it go away. Stuff that is melted off is serious mud which makes me think that anything not paved will be hands (feet) off for a while after melt off. Surprisingly the lakes that are still frozen appear to be well frozen, the ones that started to melt off recently are losing their ice quickly now.
So we're looking at a little bit of snow tomorrow night huh? Of course I have to be out and drop my daughter off at 6am Sunday morning for a ski trip to VT with a group from her college. At least there won't be anyone else out there at that time. How much are we looking at?
edit: blah just an inch...
I'm surprised at some of the lakes melting off and not recovering their ice through this cold snap.
A couple of the local stations got down below 5* this morning but most seem to have been around 8*. Surprisingly cold for March.
Hey all. My daughter will be at Mt Snow Sunday>Tuesday with a group from her college. Looks like the weather is questionable at least on Sunday. Will it be wet or white there?
I remember a few days at Kirkwood when sitting on the chair you were below the surface of the surrounding snow. Patrol strung ropes so you didn't accidentally ski into the pit and land on the moving chairs.
Yeah it was just virga here on the valley floors. I could see it falling out of the clouds and took a ride up one of the big hills and it was ever so light tiny flakes but only over the top few feet.