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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. ^^ Yep I had to mow again today and just did it a few days ago. With absolutely no effort on my part it's really filling in nicely. Not much grass but there's a lot of green stuff so I'm good with it. The back yard still looks like sh*t after losing 7 trees this winter. I have HUGE piles of brush from the crowns, it's piled up ten feet deep in one corner and 3-4 feet deep along a fair bit of the back edge (about 75 feet long) and 15 feet out from the fence. I think it's time to dump some of the old mower gas and have a rainy day brush burn soon so I can make room for more. What a beautiful day today was. Who do I call to order a few more of these?
  2. Yeah I tried a couple of times but it never lasts for this property either. I gave up a few years ago and never looked back. It really annoys me that some sections grow and some don't no matter what I do so I don't bother doing anything now other than running a mower over over it occasionally when it gets to looking really ratty or a neighbor complains about it. Weeds are green and old leaves on the ground don't look that terrible. How weird was it not having any rain yesterday? Too bad we won't get a second dry day in a row.
  3. Don't be ashamed be proud that you didn't spend so much time making it happen and you got out and rode your bike or hiked or went to a great local brewery or... I look at "nice" lawns and all I can think is 'man, the amount of time and effort you put into that... '
  4. Yeah the rain isn't adding up worth a squat but everything is wet. I haven't mowed yet and it's getting so thick the mower is going to struggle. I hate those times when you have to cut it twice, once on high and the second pass lower and still need to do it again 3 or so day later to clean it up. I really want to just xeriscape the whole damned property and be done with the hassle of green stuff other than in a garden. It was nice for the bulk of the day in the Capitol District today. It was even sunny for a few hours It was weird, 70* and I needed sunglasses.
  5. Haha I was just outside and thinking the same thing and a few minutes later one of the neighbors fired his mower up. It's kind of wet from the rain last night though. Maybe before dark later otherwise it has to wait until after the next round of wet because I'm busy tomorrow.
  6. Nice morning going on A bit breezy but nice air.
  7. Boy tomorrow night and Monday morning are looking like fun. A couple of inches of rain and a bunch of wind. Yay
  8. Yep. Lotsa rain overnight. Looks like ~1.4" over the last day and nearly 2" for the week.
  9. Doesn't get much more dreary than this. Super dense fog and everything is soggy from the rain overnight.
  10. My wife has a booth at the Nyack street fair on Sunday. She needs a nice weather day so that people come out and shop. OMG the wind was serious further upstate. I was in Glens Falls this morning and it wasn't too bad, it started getting good later in Saratoga and after 3 from Ballston Spa to Ancramdale it was the real deal. I actually had to struggle to close the car door at one point and it was like driving through a desert wind/sandstorm for a while with all the blowing dust on the highways. It sure did make for a nice extended dusty colored sunset coming down through the Taconics.
  11. yeah it was nice (other than the rain) but now it's down to ~40*.
  12. Yup it gets like that in Tahoe too, I was amazed that it could even snow that much.
  13. Alright, time to warm it up out there and maybe knock that wind down a bit. I really need to get out there and keep working at solving my car repair problem but it's fkn cold and unpleasant and I'm a whiny old guy.
  14. I had nothing down here. Some friends in VT said it was very mild but noticeable so you might have had a chance.
  15. I had partly to mostly cloudy all day. When the sun was out it was awfully nice. I spent the day in the driveway struggling with a car repair that went way above my pay grade and has my car disabled in the driveway on jack stands. A buddy stopped by with his chainsaw and helped me cut out the trees that were only partway down in the my yard. Now it looks like a war zone but there's only one, that we can't get to, hanging precariously. Then I went back to the car and tried some more before it got too cold and dark because it's mostly cloudy now and getting dark too early, thought I'd have another hour. IOW I spent all day outside and it was a nice crisp spring day of yore.
  16. I have some mildly tilted asphalt that's relatively well protected from the wind and some good rocks that work well as wheel chocks. I'm gonna go for it but maybe not today, it's just too cold for me and my old hands.
  17. Yeah that radar last night looked like it was running right down the 22 and 9 corridors for a while, hopefully the high terrain got something good out of it. I got a good coating on the ground even the street was covered earlier, it's windy and cold just like a good spring day is supposed to be... I really need it to warm up because I have a hardcore car repair to do so I can get back to work this week. Anyone have a warm garage I can borrow for 5 or 6 hours?
  18. Yeah no accumulation here, it started to on parked cars on the north side of buildings but melted off just as quickly when it stopped. It was nice to see and wasn't a hassle to drive in which was good. Looks like we're borderline for a northern lights show tomorrow night https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/news/g2-moderate-watch-effect-23-march-2019-utc-day I might have to take a ride up north of I90 if the clouds break. I know my wife and kids are eager to see them, I've seen them many times but they never cease to amaze.
  19. Its snowing pretty hard right now in Danbury
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