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Posts posted by gravitylover

  1. 54 minutes ago, NYCweatherNOW said:

    87 in midtown perfect weather. Going to a bbq and a pool party in mahopac in one hour. Gonna enjoy it

    Heheh I'm on B'way between 78-79 and you're headed to my town.


    What time are we thinking this afternoons rain will get to the city? We have a bun h of stuff out here at the street fair we have a booth at. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Hitman said:

    For the record, it could not be nicer out right now.

    Yup high 60's-70 are just about perfect for a ride so that's what I did :) Unfortunately we chose a place that got hammered by those tornadoes last year and it was still a mess of downed trees and badly overgrown trails I assume because they're blocked further up and not being used much anymore. I'm going to have to apply for permission to go in and do some cleanup work, these are trails I helped build ~20 years ago when nobody around here rode mt bikes yet.

  3. True but it still goes down as a rain day in the total count and it keeps soil moisture up. This month has been weird though as we've had 19 days with rain but the ground surface has mostly dried out. The wind has helped a lot and the trees leafing out seem to have sucked up a lot more than I thought they would a month ago. Trail.comditions are awesome around the area right now.

    • Like 1
  4. So I'm at 19 or 20 out of 23 days so far this month have been wet at some point in the 24 hour period and April was 22 of 30. I'm really tired of it but on the upside the forest has really stabilized and for the most part there is very little mud out there. The ground has this wonderful resilience to it and the trails are in fine shape which makes the mountain biker in me very happy. @Hitman we need to coordinate and ride some time soon, me and my e-mtb are enjoying the heck out of our time together in the woods.

  5. 2 hours ago, Stormlover74 said:

    Sun's popping out after a heavy shower. Severe in May is pretty rare anyway

    We had tornadoes and insane straight line winds just over a year ago. The damage is still evident all around the area. I'd rather not go through that again.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, 495weatherguy said:

    For once it seems as though Long Island will get through the night unscathed.   Actually a beautiful day out here now

    Gotta love the stabilizing influence of large bodies of water. All it takes when you get here is a lack of an easterly component to the wind and as things heat up it's like popcorn as the air rises the storms form. Yup 18 days out of 20 so far this month it's rained at some point. Can I complain now? ;) 

  7. 8 hours ago, bluewave said:

    Remarkable to see another record low pressure storm system this spring in the Rockies and Plains. The fire hose Pacific Jet is truly on steroids.






    I had friends in Tahoe skiing nearly knee deep yesterday and this morning it was snowing and sticking above 8k in Arizona. By early afternoon they had enough that people were up skiing on north faces that were still holding snow from the winter and it looks good, like late March good.

  8. Alright so all it's going to take this year is a tropical system or two to annihilate last years record rainfall totals. I wonder if last year also had a record number of days with measurable rainfall, I bet we're on track to break whatever the old record is. I'm at 18 of 20 days this month and last month was 22 of 30, I didn't count the winter months but should have and I don't feel like going back to do the research now.

  9. I got some pretty serious rain a few times tonight. The most recent batch was hardcore enough that it woke me up with thunder and lightning. It looks like the earlier round was more significant north of here. There's another round incoming that looks like another soaker.

  10. I haven't ridden out there at all yet but will at least a few times this year now that I have a few solid accounts out that way. The Fingerlakes area has always intrigued me so I'm looking forward to it. I have a thing with my wife next weekend but don't remember which day but yeah, let me know when you're riding and if I can I'll meet up. Yup this bike is silly good fun, I was giggling the whole time once I got used to the extra weight.

  11. 9 hours ago, 495weatherguy said:

    Maybe now you can understand and appreciate the frustration we have had on Long Island this spring.   This has been an extremely cool and damp spring.  

    Really? I think that you don't understand what it's like to be on the east side of the lower Taconics up here. There's often a much more significant marine influence than places south and east of me. It takes a lot to get the continental influence over the Catskills, Hudson Highlands and Taconics to the east side. Microclimates are an amazing thing, I grew up down there so I know a lot more about the weather on the Island than you think. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    Best Ambrose Jet of the spring so far with JFK gusting to 43 mph. Marine layer also hanging tough out here in SW Suffolk.

    Kennedy Intl   FAIR      69  65  86 S28G43  



    Wow that sux. It's sparkly clear up here and all the way down into the city. 

    3 minutes ago, etudiant said:

    Not in Manhattan, don't believe we even cracked 80.

    I saw 79 uptown and 76 in Chelsea this afternoon. I had to run in for a thing my wife had to do and was surprised it got that warm along the water on the west side.

  13. I drove right past the school while it was going on to visit the bike shop up the hill from the campus. Wouldn't it have been funny if we had run into each other there rather than on the mt bike trails here? When are we going to ride? I finally got my e-mtb so can ride again and complete the heart attack recovery on my own terms.

    • Like 1
  14. I made a run out Rt 17 (I can't seem to call it I86 yet) to Corning yesterday and saw some super heavy rain in the morning then temps over 80 in Binghamton in the afternoon. On the way home there was an absolutely awesome rainbow filling my windshield for about an hour as I was following the rain through Orange County to the Bear Mountain Bridge. Looks like we may end up with a dry weekend for a change :) 

  15. 10 hours ago, weatherpruf said:

    If you get a backhoe and remove down to about 10 feet you might be ok.....

    Or just dump a bunch of Roundup... :yikes:

    9 hours ago, weatherpruf said:

    It's attraction to bees is actually cited as a good thing. It was so thick along the Bronx River that homeless camps were able to exist in them unseen from the outside. They are considering bringing in a natural predator from Japan, but the concern is that it might also attack other plants.

    I don't think there's a way to bring in a non native species without some sort of negative effect. Bringing in its predator always has other consequences and they're rarely good. 

    9 hours ago, BombsAway1288 said:

    They're usually weaker and start to become less frequent yes, but they are still very possible down to the Jersey Shore as deep as late June.

    If you lived in The Canadian Maritimes or Newfoundland then there's def justification to complain (not saying you're doing that) about backdoors that can ruin a whole summer if the correct conditions are there and the pattern favors it.

    It's spring in the NE, anything can happen really

    As evidenced by snow as far south as the Litchfield Hills in CT the last few days with accumulating snow above 1500 feet in the Berkshire foothills and a ton of snow at that elevation and above further north.

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