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Posts posted by gravitylover

  1. Actually most of it is somewhat shaded. Some time this winter I'm hoping to be able to take down a few more trees and get the yard opened up some. Kinda like the Central Park site, everything has grown up around the place and needs to be taken down. We got a good start last year and now it's time to finish the job.

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  2. I was up on the east slope of the Catskills riding in Round Top for a little while this afternoon and it was beautiful up there. We were chasing the sun right up to Rt 23 but once across the river it cleared and the temp jumped almost 10* to a little over 70 and the wind dropped off to a very light breeze. On the ride up the Taconic there were these little mini scuds dropping out of the leading edge of the clouds and dissipating as soon as they cleared the bottom of the cloud deck, it was really cool to watch. Coming home the clouds got continually thicker and the wind kept coming up,over the top in Fahnestock St Park it was blowing pretty good but no rain even down here in Mahopac where I live but there is a good wind blowing. I always enjoy the drama at the edge of tropical storms.

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  3. Feels like fall and it's starting to look like it too. Trees are responding to the cool, dry weather we've been having and the forest is in a very different state than it was just 10 days ago. My garden is definitely in fall mode. Julian if you're going to be down this way let me know, I'd love for you to come get a look at what I have for a garden and how to make it better next year. You are way more knowledgeable about this stuff than me. I just wing it and hope for the best but I'd really like to get more serious and see some real yields for all the effort I put into it and this is the time to get it ready for the next round.

  4. .2" and a little bit of wind, nothing special at all. I left a bunch of stuff outside and ran out to get a few things done and when I got home they hadn't even soaked through and the piece of styrofoam on the roof of the car didn't blow off. Another dud... Hopefully the cool front is more effective, it's steamy out there now.

  5. I don't understand the details but yes it's based on religion. The cleanliness and nice look are due to the strong work ethic not dollars in the kitty. I think it also has to do with the state and municipalities tossing what money they do have at keeping things looking good and functioning well so that tourism dollars keep flowing unlike the Catskills where nobody seems to give a hoot anymore. The towns on the periphery other than Ithaca and Corning, especially the southern end are pretty ratty. Olean and Bath are meth addled and crumbling, even the college towns are really rough under the surface.

  6. On 8/30/2019 at 8:58 AM, LibertyBell said:

    They are gorgeous, I was thinking of planting some.  Can they last through bad winters here, like 2010-11?


    More non native species... We just keep introducing more and more things that don't really belong.

    12 hours ago, SACRUS said:


    LGA: 89
    EWR: 89
    TEB: 89
    New Bnswk: 88
    ACY: 88
    PHL: 88
    BLM: 87
    TTN: 87
    NYC: 86
    JFK: 85
    ISP: 82

    I was a few minutes from LGA yesterday at the USTA, there was a thermometer on the south side that was over 90 for a few hours. I went back to check it 3 times because it was so hot on some of the more exposed courts.

    1 hour ago, binbisso said:

    Two rather strong cold fronts coming through this week one late Wednesday and one post Dorian. The one after Dorian  looks rather impressive with 0c 8 50s into central New England. Looks like the period From August 20th through the fall Solstice could average well below normal for our area. We'll see how it all plays out but summer was basically one month, July, and one week in August.

    Just because the number of 90+ days was officially low doesn't mean it wasn't a very warm summer. All you had to do was get away from the coast. It has been a long, warm, humid summer here with very little rain since mid June. I know that our electric bill is higher than I'd like it to be because the AC has been doing double duty since the spring right up until last week.

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  7. On 8/30/2019 at 8:36 AM, LibertyBell said:

    sure isn't, and I didn't even get to the part about the drinking water, it's beyond contaminated.  When drinking tap water I have to leave the water running for 30 minutes to an hour to not get stomach cramps.  I had a filter put in and that didn't help either.  So now what I do is leave the kitchen faucet running for an hour, fill up a bunch of water bottles and put them in the fridge and drink from those, rinse and repeat lol.

    water pressure is pretty low too, but that's a small problem compared to not being able to drink it.  hot water is fine, it's the cold water that suffers from low pressure- down to drops at times.




    My dad still lives in Oceanside and doesn't have any of these problems. Sounds like your neighborhood has some issues. Where are you in town? He's between OJC and Avodah off Bellevue Ave.

    21 hours ago, dWave said:

    I've heard bad things about LI tap water, especially pollutants seeping into the water supply from septic tanks etc which the sandy soils there don't hold as well. Where is LI getting its water supply from? I assume not from the upstate reservoirs that serve NYC.

    As far as I know LI still gets their water from deep wells. 

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  8. Surprisingly, unlike most of the small towns in upstate NY, these places in the central Fingerlakes appear to be stronger economically too but it's only on the surface. I learned something new while I was at one of the breweries, did you know that the Amish and Mennonites don't pay any taxes at all? The county where Watkins Glen is happens to be the poorest county in the state because of this. You'd think that with 4 and 5 star resorts, big marinas and one of the premier high dollar racetracks in the country that wouldn't be the case but... Some of the neighboring areas are right behind them too. Nearly 60% of the population contributes nothing and whatever money goes into those "communities" never comes out. Some of them even track things to the Nth degree and get the gas taxes they pay back when they file, not just the gasoline but the diesel for the farm equipment and what little electricity they use to run their farms and lumber mills as well as sales taxes paid on everything else they use (which probably isn't much). I think when I'm up there in the future I will go out of my way to not stop at their farm stands and not go to their businesses because it seems to me that if you're going to take advantage of things like having roads (to ride your buggies on at 2mph) and getting the roads plowed and maintained and all of the other services that are provided by the State and local municipalities you should pay your fair share not just be a drain. 

  9. 3 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    a/c all year?

    My health has gotten worse during the summer in recent years, I'm fine with the dry heat we had in the early 2010s, but the recent years of high humidity have had made it more difficult to breathe unless I head for the mountains, and I've been on antibiotics multiple times in the last two years especially for some sort of infection that only seems to strike in the summer.  That's along with the allergy issues that seem to be getting worse and lasting all during the warm season now.



    Time to leave LI dude. It's not a good place ;) and you're finding out...

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  10. Man the Fingerlakes is a pretty part of NY. I need to go back there when I'm not working and take my time moving around rather than being "on a mission". There's also some A level drinking to be done there. I stopped at two breweries, had a great Mexican Lager and a really good Cocoa Porter. Next time it will be wineries and distilleries, they're everywhere. This time of year all the farm stands are chock full of good stuff. It's gonna take a few days for my stomach to return to normal ;)

  11. I drove out to Rochester yesterday through the middle not on the Thruway and it's mostly still summer green. It rained hard here for a good part of the night and it's wet so far this morning. It was nice to be able to have the windows open at ~75* rather than needing the AC the whole time.

  12. Tough to get a nicer late summer day than today but it looks like each of the next few is gonna try. I'm down :) Unfortunately I have to spend the entire week in the car but I will visit over half of the counties in the state so I ought to see some really nice stuff and get to take a ride in some really cool places after work hours so there's that. Now that I finally, after almost 6 weeks, have my car back from recall work getting done at the local Subaru dealer I can travel with my bike again :clap:

    My garden is definitely winding down but as that happens I"m coming up with space to plant some quick maturing fall food plants so throw some ideas at me. 

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