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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Looks like it finished at 1.5 then I had a shower after midnight that added a few hundredths.
  2. 1 mile S it was fun, .8 in less than 10 minutes. The HWY Dept station across the street from town hall had 1.2. The wind was good and definitely swirled around but it looks like there may have been a tornado about 3 or 4 miles N of me.
  3. Well that was fun, .8 in less than 10 minutes.
  4. Too bad this nice steady rain didn't happen while I was out of town before all of my strawberries died
  5. No you weren't (but it's not over yet)
  6. I'll take that The only dry(ish) spot in the Northeast is where we'll be vacationing on the beach
  7. There are some parallels between the two... Yeah, I'm not feeling the great dry week is what's coming.
  8. What a rotten setup considering that we're headed to Provincetown and staying in a beachfront room for the week. Can't say I'm surprised
  9. If I was to do it now I'd drylok and then do an epoxy floor. We didn't do anything with the floor and now water seeps up, granted we've had a tremendous amount of water repeatedly injected into the ground for the last year so it's not unexpected. We are also going to be out of town from Monday morning through the end of the week and these 5+" potentials are a little worrisome.
  10. Wow, fuktons of water came out of the sky this morning Tough to know for sure but most local gauges are between 1.3 and 1.45 with a few way lower. @Juliancolton and @DRVTS what did you guys get?
  11. It shouldn't have expired, it should've extended east. I just got pummeled with the heaviest rain yet this year for over a half hour and it looks like there's more coming. Neighborhood rain gauges are all over the place from as low as .5 up to 1.5. My driveway looks like a river and the street is an inch deep. Woof
  12. How much did you end up with? The heavy stuff slid by just north of me, I got .09. I saw some spots a few miles east of you went over 3"! We did Drylok about 25 years ago, it worked great until last year.
  13. No rain this morning (or last night) but hours of moderate fog has everything wet. The garden appears to be happy.
  14. @Evie3Thanks but like you, it was a bit of a relief when she left. Yeah there were definitely issues. Unfortunately she tainted what I had with Dad and that also ended poorly. And so it goes...
  15. Every time you post something about how hot the summer of 1966 was it clues me in to why my mom ended up having so much disdain for me at the end of her time here. She was 7-9 months pregnant, living in a 5th floor apartment with no AC and a questionable elevator. I was doomed
  16. I dried out for like 5 days It was nice.
  17. It can rain all it wants here next week, saves me from worrying about the garden while we're in Provincetown where it will hopefully stay dry.
  18. Probably wasn't nearly warm enough for you either
  19. The station on Kings Ridge went to 2.1. That's about 100 feet above my house.
  20. 1.7 so far, looks like one more line incoming. One station a hundred or so feet further up the hill from me has 2.4
  21. That was some storm yesterday. I was on 17 all day, it started beautiful in Jamestown but by noon it was getting cloudy, windy and started spitting a bit. It kept up mixed sunny/cloudy and windy with black skies behind me and to the south. The southern wall kept surging and retreating until I got to Johnson City where it caught up to me. For 200 miles the clouds were roiling and moving in all sorts of directions. The first fingers of torrential rain and strong wind moved through pretty quickly. East of Binghamton it started getting ugly but mostly just wet until about Middletown when shit started to go sideways (literally). By the time I got to the Monroe Park and Ride exit it was all out chaos. A few wind gusts scared the crap out of me as my minivan went sideways, it was sketchy with stuff flying and obvious rotation happening. The rain was pretty intense too, buckets and sheets, hiding flying branches. It calmed down to just strong wind and heavy rain going up the hill on 6 into Harriman/Bear Mt. It kinda sucked because there was no place to even stop the car. The only exit, the P&R was blocked by an RV that missed the turn, so I had no choice but to keep moving. There aren't even any turnouts and with the shit visibility sitting on the shoulder would've been like asking to get hit. I just kept waiting for a branch to come through the windshield...
  22. Yup stuff down here too. Western CT got rocked again for the second day in a row. Saturday there was a microburst that did all sorts of damage then yesterday they got straightline winds and torrential rain.
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