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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. snowing pretty good here under this streamer from the lake, not often do those hold together long enough to reach here.
  2. holy crap! about the hardest I've ever seen it snow, for like a half hour... just over an inch
  3. yes it does, and growing up in the north end of Waterbury, as a basketball player no less, I discovered that..also big don't spell bad either, I've seen small dudes take down a big guy one punch.
  4. yeah I was going to say, people who never been punched in the face get to act tough, because a good majority would never say shit like what they do to someone in person, creating a social disconnect really. it seems now a lot of people don't know how to act in public, friendly or otherwise
  5. very anxiety ridden ride to my buddies place in Waterbury this afternoon, totally forgot how bad and congested streets get in the city after a sizable storm, roads were terrible at like 4 in the afternoon... anyway big difference once I got to about harwinton going down 8 and Waterbury looks like about a foot if not a little more, also over in Enfield earlier running a test and about 3-4 at least where I was in broadbrook near the Somers line, nice stripe across the 84 corridor+/- 15 miles or so from that band
  6. sitting at 30.5 on the season, still way off of climo for here, but last 5 years are 35.5, 63.4, 37.4, 41.2...and to date 30.5. Would be happy with another 20" to at least get more than half of climo, but we'll see. One big one would really go along way to making moods better here... crazy to think the first 4 years after moving here, we had about 90" except for 15-16, which is the lowest since 90-91 &94-95. Believe it or not, the 80s data for here had 4 seasons over 100", and 1 close.
  7. done here... looks like that dxr up to orh max I said a few days ago kinda verified, took a painful route to get there but congrats on those peeps with double digits, and some down south who haven't seen anything in a long time... maybe we get lucky rest of the week and pick up a few more here and there with the clippers
  8. what a gradient, 15.2 WeHa and 5.8 here, buddy in Long meadow said 3(not sure how official). but damn some impressive totals from central CT
  9. 5.2 of fluff here, vis is way down but growth ftl, and back edge approaches quickly, hey, better than last night when it appeared we may whiff completely up here...stat padding...
  10. absolute fluff here, vis about 1/4mi, flake size has eased a bit, but it's been rippin good since about 6
  11. ripping pretty good last 2 hours, 2" out there, but looks like back edge approaches quickly so maybe we squeeze another inch before we done here
  12. this ranks to me with I think it was 2010, where we got suppressed, and south shore got something, but we were expecting about the same, although it wasn't as rapid as today's departure... that was the mid Atlantic season, where we hoped for something to break here and thought it was the one, can't recall the date, but I think DC got buried, multiple times that year
  13. it's a little early but downstream radar looks good for that precip into Ohio Will was talking about, let's hope it pans out
  14. at this point, how does one trust the model output, I mean we all look at all the ingredients, telecons and levels etc, but for us amateurs who know more than some, but aren't degreed mets, modeled output is what we look at, if it wasn't for a handful on here with great expertise and explanation, it'd be a shit show just basing decisions like cancelling things on model output, which seemed locked, albeit some nuance, but you understand
  15. such a tough job right now for something that looked pretty locked for a while, and a sig for a couple weeks now, hard job
  16. Albany kept the Warning for here, for now but has downgraded all the advisory except my cty and south Berks and adjacent NY ctys
  17. 12-18 to 2-4 in 12 hours...wow...who knows, maybe get a lucky mid-level band that puts some rates, but garbage antecedent airmass and now this? it's amazing
  18. we need a last minute jump north or there's going to be a lot of toaster baths, what a difference 12 hours has been since I last checked, wtf...ALY not too concerned about my area and immediate Berks, but has taken amounts way back points NW, stating big gradient as this now looks to pass SE of the BM
  19. said earlier looked like a nice stripe from dxr up to ORH, appears legit still, +/-20mi, we take, nice regional event for SNE/CNE incoming!
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