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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. beautiful! about 2.5" under a quasi band, I'm hoping to wake up to 6" or at least 4, want a warning to actually verify
  2. ripping! vis down to yards and whipping winds... closing on 2", seeing some dry air pushing in from the NW forcing that band causing that NJ band to light up
  3. I doubt that, unless this snow growth gets better, but I'll take 10 all day, sticking with 4-6 here, moving to fast... this coming at me is godds tho
  4. we pound now... growth could be a little better but vis under 1/4mi, a couple/three hours of this and can maybe get to 4"...
  5. managed to squeeze an inch of sugar sucking exhaust from that band... hopefully that radar down near Philly/NJ makes a beeline tonight this way, this reminds me of that Super Bowl storm where I got stuck between two bands, but managed to get 6" of baking soda...
  6. goods are just to my west, snow growth is not good, need to rip with good growth for a bit or we'll struggle to hit 3/4"...
  7. ffs the difference between NWS sites is crazy, I'll take that 4-6", what I was expecting anyway but ALY has me around 7 edit: steadier flakes now falling, albeit small ones
  8. pretty consistent from ALY since yesterday with the totals, higher amount zone moved around a little but still nearly the same.
  9. i saw a flake ..start the obs thread!!! couple small stragglers, but it's definitely looking and feeling like it's coming now compared to about an hour ago, wind is also increasing a bit...radar downstream in CPA looking stout, we'll see if it all comes together
  10. thinking ratios play a factor in someone getting 6" of fluff vs someone getting 6" of lower ratio stuff with more QPF, think WOR would be high amounts but less QPF, then a good forcing band where it's not as cold in the DGZ.... thoughts?
  11. I'm going to stick with 3-6 until I see it on the ground, but having the Euro cave and come around is less of a red flag, what does anyone think? it was chasing convection out east, or the front placement too far east? odd that it was the only one really that far east, maybe the others that are so far west can tick east so everyone is white and no p type issues.
  12. one I posted a few hours ago had 11 over my head, back down to 9 now, however the message remains what it always was for the watch.
  13. ALY already bringing em down, I'd expect this to be halved in 12 hours... more like 3-6 lollis to 8 under good banding, really not liking euro camp not in alignment, big red flag for the goods for everyone
  14. the Euro solutions are a bit concerning, either it's on its own and right or out to lunch and others are onto it, flat and strung out is not what we want, despite the local office calling for double digits here, I'd hedge and say 4-6 until I see the Euro come on board with the other guidance.
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