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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. meh'd my way to a coating here, more flakes than grap now down to 31, and all whitened up
  2. can we get a little more west and close off please...H5 looked a bit west this run, no? thinking 2-4 west of the river at this point maybe 3-6 in sweet spot mid-level before pummeling DEME
  3. 32/26...well that didn't last long.. doing nothing now
  4. 33/25...precip started about 20 minutes ago here, all frozen so far 50/50 sn/IP
  5. I'll take the v16 for my birthday storm this year, thank you...trends continue looking favorable for beyond as well, let's see a 2011 Jan redo...
  6. ALY hoisted WWA for here, I'm assuming mostly ice, cause I can't see much white with this
  7. no flooding but...3 days and many man hours of chainsawing and patching holes in garage roof from one damn limb that fell just right, so the pain was spread wide... not to mention the foot of snow that was left was reduced to a couple small piles.
  8. so are we punting the NYE storm? I had hope for that one... seems like the same ole story again, warm wet, cold dry... I would just love one nice big slow mover that lasts for 3 days, sorry for the rant but every time we sniff out something, as we close in it cuts or is fish food... not ready to punt Jan just yet
  9. 4.59" freehold NY...got 2.05" official here, seems on par with the area, temp dropped 15 degrees in the last two hours... highest gust here on my PWS was 53, I'm guessing that was around 3 when the big limb came crashing on the garage... fortunately not major damage
  10. rocking 40+ gusts now... close to 25 sustained... I got my eyes on a couple trees with weak limbs... good luck all
  11. stuck around 55-57 since about 11, sustained at 19 highest gust so far is 32..are those returns over NJ for real because, they've been training over that area for a grip...and that line slicing through VA and NC is pretty intense
  12. yeah was just gonna post, TN getting it too... meanwhile here in NE....60 and tropical
  13. buddy near the outer banks said they are under tornado warning but can't confirm touchdown, saying it's wild out, on par with tropical storm type weather
  14. some serious radar returns coming up...so far just drizzle and a little wind nothing major, 53 degrees and snow pack disappearing
  15. I am part of a group online and a lot of tree and linesmen have already been preparing for travel to here, if not already here, so hopefully that's a plus, it would really suck to loose power on Xmas, and then the temp dropping after would be even worse...up to 50 now
  16. already 48 here and milky sun, I caught the low level clouds cruising by this morning, I'm sure everyone has received their obligatory call from eversource telling you to expect what we already knew...and then hike rates afterwards to do more infrastructure improvement..
  17. nice little.5" fresher today I see some got a solid advisory event, it's these little events with a few biggins that make a good winter... I just hate storm/cutter/ots/storm... repeat... I'd be happy with one MECS a month to get to climo...btw, did we loose the NYE deal, was looking good for a while now looking like fish food...
  18. That's what it looked like in 2013 out of my garage...awesomeness! takes forever to clean though
  19. Looks like a bit of back building in ORH cty
  20. CRUSHED! ...Tioga County... 2 SE Newark Valley 44.0 in 0700 AM 12/17 Public 1 NNE Tioga Terrace 43.0 in 0945 AM 12/17 Trained Spotter Owego 41.0 in 0815 AM 12/17 Public 2 ESE Campville 40.5 in 0905 AM 12/17 3 WNW Foster 39.0 in 0800 AM 12/17 Public 1 N Foster 38.0 in 0630 AM 12/17 NWS Employee Tioga Terrace 37.0 in 1037 AM 12/17 Trained Spotter Waverly 33.7 in 1019 AM 12/17 Trained Spotter 1 ENE Waverly 28.0 in 1055 AM 12/17 Candor 0.7 NW 26.0 in 0700 AM 12/17 COCORAHS Lockwood 26.0 in 0631 AM 12/17 Public Berkshire 2.0 N 25.0 in 0730 AM 12/17 COCORAHS Berkshire 25.0 in 0730 AM 12/17 Trained Spotter Candor 1.8 N 24.5 in 0700 AM 12/17 COCORAHS 2 NNW Berkshire 23.0 in 0858 AM 12/17 Public
  21. Father took five measurements, average 16.5" storm total...NWS ALY has reports of 16.5 in New Milford and 14 in Torrington, but at 7am.looks just over a foot in Boxboro, but I did not measure with anything, about the same in Marlboro, can anyone close confirm? Looks like my house missed the real goods by about 50 miles, but completely satisfied with 16+...my call of 12-20 statewide for CT looks good except for the SWCT area, looks like they got a bit screwed, but still ended up with a good amount. Awesome start to the season, for my back yard at least, only had 5" from the first two events.
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