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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. nice squall line approaching, Berks usually wring out most of it but sometimes they are strong enough to lay down a little, we'll see soon...
  2. yeah happens every year, but we recently put gutters on this old house, I honestly didn't want them but my dad did so, knock yourself out...of course he's out there with a heat gun, despite me telling him it's going to be above freezing and south facing... he's just trying to get away from my mom I think.
  3. up to a balmy 33.3 out there... illuminati confirmed, but first above freezing since Monday. my downspout will enjoy this and unfreeze hopefully.
  4. that's seemed to have been there most of this pattern
  5. It is a Dreo PTC Fan Heater, considerably by a long shot better than the oil radiator or the milk house heaters I have used. My office is only about 200 square feet, and it is toasty in here.
  6. down to 7.0 here, don't think I'll get as low as last night...on the preference of winter, if it ain't going to snow, I'd prefer warmer, cold dry sucks in a lot of ways, including energy bills. my attic office is well insulated but still needs a lot of heat in winter and A/C in summer, but winter is worse... just bought a great new heater though, makes it toasty at half the wattage.
  7. yup we do that too now, no more burying it, it never worked anyway... I got down to -10.7, currently:
  8. down to -1.8, not sure if it'll get down to last night
  9. nah, I used to frequent mostly dive bars, a lot of which I heard or know are no longer even standing, but they were fun neighborhood bars.
  10. yeah that's a close 3rd, but not as impactful as 78 or Oct 11... that was the most intense snow I've ever seen though. 96 came close at times, I was out bar hoppin in Waterbury during that, fun times.
  11. bottomed out at- 8.9 early morning, got up to 19.2, down to 2.4 now that it's clear and dropping like a rock, a degree in the last 10 minutes.
  12. was thinking about this comparison earlier, or the 93 storm how hyped that was, and delivered, my all time memory is 78, not much has topped that but Oct 11 comes close as a lifetime event.
  13. I've been watching while I work, all the chasers out there, two in down town NOLA right now and it's dumping and blowing... I'm sure there will be more pics incoming. lots of ppl out walking around in the city loving it. They are saying NOLA official record is 8.1", but there's some skeptical opinions on this because both Lafayette and NOLA records are from 1885 I think, so who knows how that was measured.
  14. 5" and dumping in NOLA rn... unreal again I'm in awe of this...
  15. it's absolutely choking snow down there right now, would not be surprised if Blizzard is verified somewhere, being flat and nothing to break the wind... getting some gulf moisture I'm sure too adding to the convection
  16. was watching Brandon copic live storm chasing the bands, confirmed TSSN where he's at... unbelievable
  17. cantore is there, of course TSSN will occur, I'd love to see him on the beach during a blizzard warning in Louisiana... still not believing that statement, just issued a WSW for Duval county in FL too...
  18. could be, I have to check the archives, but I don't remember off top of head last time it was this cold
  19. bottomed out at -8.9 early this morning, coldest Jan morning since I believe 2014
  20. dropping like a rock, down .7 degrees in the last 30 minutes
  21. like every 5 minutes a loud bang, even though we know it happens and what it is, still makes us jump.
  22. 4.2 total here, AIT.... pretty big bust low for ALY forecast, as they had I think 6.5 as the highest total in the Berks, they were expecting 8-12 there, 5-7 for my area, possibly there's more NW of me as that initial band setup there for a while when I had exhaust, but haven't seen any reports yet.
  23. just over 3", still ripping good, however looks like things are beginning to push east, so id expect this to be winding down by midnight here anyway, hopefully can pull another couple inches.
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