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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. just a day so I can chip the glacier away...then back to business
  2. I question the warm up too, maybe get to seasonal, but it's also been trending cooler with that as well, we'll see, could actually use a couple days of thaw
  3. I'm all set with ice too, last storm I wasn't here and my dad didn't finish the driveway, because he's old and all, but I have like a good area of 6" glacier that won't budge, made yesterday difficult but also looks deep winter out there... I'll take anything but zr at this point, still a ways to go with this one
  4. ALY had two reports from public spotters, of 4 & 4.5 for Winsted center, another report of 5.4" for 2 miles from my house, which lines up with my measurements, I mean I had 3.5" at my 10am clearing yesterday and the best stuff came after that...also noticed some whacky random 20+ reports in eastern orh/west hampden cty, that didn't seem to fit the majority of reports coming from there...is it possible there's some weird microclimate areas that pile up snow mere miles away from others reporting less, or just inaccurate measurements, some by non coop or skywarn, that NWS logs as legit?
  5. let's hope law of average help us in that regard, and we get one that nails CNE/WNE peeps
  6. what year and how muchwas the record for Jan atBos? 2011?
  7. just got a bit more than last week's here, so we had a glacier on the driveway as I was in Georgia for that one, so nearly a foot otg in spots here... but the driveway is a mess because I wasn't here for cleaning it, made clearing this one difficult
  8. for me? 5.7, took numerous measurements, had 3.5 at 10 clearing, and it stopped around 430 here... but got me over 20 on the year with a few solid weeks to go... what you wind up with?
  9. are you using a venier caliper for measuring??
  10. i usually take the gloves off and stick them in front of exhaust for a few whenever hands get cold, it works man... fortunately I have military cold/wet gear, so the only thing that ever gets cold is fingers and that's what I do... I need to fix my ariens because my dad's dinosaur blower doesn't have independent rear wheel, fighting that thing every time I use it, but at least I got a blower, would suck to do my driveway and walks
  11. wow, seeing these remind me of 2013 storm, with that mega band, went to sleep with at least 12-16" and woke up with 32" and drifting over cars to where I couldn't even see them, congrats!! that's awesome
  12. looks like you got close to or over a foot there no? what about Ginx you guys pretty close?
  13. where are you again? I'm on phone so it doesn't show location, thought you were in southington for some reason, and what you end with...btw awesome sunset if anyone caught it
  14. James would be happy with the storm named after him I reckon
  15. after much measuring for an average of 20 measurements, 5.7" is the result submitted, I see someone in sandisfield submitted the same, so feel accurate about it...top gust was 43, within the last hour believe it or not, and sustained 21... decent storm here, unlike out east, where epicocity was had, always fun cleaning snow in single digits and 20mph wind with the blower, but military cold weather gear ftw!! congrats out east guys, who maxed so far?
  16. iss this the first official?? I was waiting for someone to verify
  17. looks like a nice little band forming on the CT RI border moving west
  18. honestly wasn't expecting much more than what I got, and I'm over 20 on season so okay with me
  19. technically yeah, forecast for 6-8, barely got 6, though I haven't measured since 10
  20. bust low here as well, was forecast for 7, we have 6 at best, about to go clean, as appears the end is near for here
  21. for some... definitely was needed but not great wor peeps
  22. nice little band setting up right over me for the finale, maybe pull another inch, as growth has improved a lot, currently I'd say around 5-6 haven't measured since 10, there was 3.5 then, wind make it hard, but some totals out east are going to be insane
  23. I thought it was because the DGZ was too high, like above 700
  24. I may have missed it but has any station verified blizzard yet?
  25. ALY about pulling the plug saying maybe.5-1.5" more here, before ending around 18z-21z, not sure I completely buy that, but I guess it's possible if eastward progression continues
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