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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. front at my door, still 52 here but 33 20 miles away and winds are gustin here, just got a special weather statement about icy roads from flash freeze, still have a couple measly piles of glacier left
  2. good ole chesire red clay sand mix... not quite as windy as I expected yet, still torching tho, ridding what's left of the snow I did have otg...refresher Sat??
  3. can definitely attest to that, sitting at 24.5 on the season with yesterday 2" fluff, need something big to just get near normal and prognosis not looking good until early Mar, maybe...
  4. nice little stripe on the NAM around here nwrd, maybe squeeze out an inch or two, that an invt look?
  5. yeah, the most annoying part of winter imho is cold dry/warm wet, or at least days like today where it's gonna be near 0, and in a couple days ptype concerns?? is what it is I guess, I say if its not going to snow when cold, it can be gone, save money on heating, and wood
  6. on a positive note, whatever snow cover we had here survived, including the driveway glacier, although it is now manageable for driving and walking over, wound up with near .25" or just everything by the end of yesterday, and cold blustery today
  7. I have a good feeling about this one, of course I did on the 29th too, for mby anyway
  8. nice burst of snow to end things out it seems...plows going by, guess they sat all day waiting, so they are literally plowing nothing
  9. yeah I feel ya man, but it would at least ease the suffering a little, but I would definitely want a doozy, like the blizzard that just happened, I was like 40 miles from the goods, and this one where I was a little further but still, in between doesn't help, a coating of snizzle or 5" of sugar also don't help..
  10. all we need now is a good one to get all those who were just outside the last two, and fire up the lawn thread, need at least a footer before we tan napes here... stuck just over 20" on the season at the beginning of February, them rookie numbers
  11. we pelt we coat, we whiten up... all is not lost
  12. snizzle for the last hour of so, very light accumulation on non treated surfaces, too little too late I'm afraid for the cold...
  13. actually rose up to 34 here and drizzle, driveway glacier still there but dimished some, luckily still have snow cover here, congrats NNE looks like a nice storm up there...who jacked? edit: 1.58" rain since yesterday here...
  14. yeah appears about done, looks like west NY/PA is filling in a bit, but by the time it gets here, it won't matter much
  15. just now finally getting a couple pelts rotting at 33 for hours, seems like it's moving now, winds here have increased a bit from the NW now, not drastic, but something
  16. I could go on for paragraphs on how it's not, but I'll not clog up the obs thread with all the propo over the last 50 years about it
  17. cyclical, just like everything else, the whole CC narrative is to fear monger people into fleecing them out of money, I'm sure there were periods before recording started where there were little great winters and some stretches of great ones i have went through the data for winters since 32, when the nearest station to me began official obs, and until the mid 50s, it was mediocre, from the mid 50s to mid 60s, it's was prolific, then another lull, peaks and valleys, anomalous winters sure, but cyclical nonetheless
  18. yeah I'd edge on the side of caution, it's rushing in, for up here anyway, ZR no joke, especially in the hills, I remember driving a work van years ago off 183 in Torrington and it was ZR patchy and I nearly slid back down the hill of the industrial park onto 183, that day people were all off Rt 8 in Harwinton, but was rain in Waterbury
  19. no lots of school around here already called it, I know Winsted and I think region 7, looks like the front is right on my doorstep, 32 and below at the NYCTMA borders, it's down to 37 here now
  20. .52" RN today, went down to Waterbury today and the fog as I got just past torrington was pea soup, eating that snow away, still have a glacier in the driveway, though it's about half as thick as yesterday...
  21. Down to 38 here, 7 degrees in 3 hours, steady rain yet...
  22. yeah 17-18 was last good season here too, and March 18 was last 16+ I believe, have to check that one
  23. was just going to post, down to 40/40 with mod RN, after reaching 45 just a couple hours ago, I can feel the cold air coming, just hope it ain't ZR, I will take anything but
  24. let's see that cold dam right down the east slopes into WCT and get this frozen instead of wet..may have some blocking issues here with the drain as well depending on the direction, usually do pretty well here with CAD
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