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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. 62 here with a dew of 52, nape warmed by the sun, chickens muck and mired in mud from the rapid melting of snow...grass cancel, cancel here shortly
  2. so, the 12th threat is now a rainy cutting mess? granted almost 10 days out and time to correct, but some pretty wide spread on the ensembles...
  3. barely even to measure here, looks like it may have rained before what looks like a coating of grap
  4. iirc, wasn't that like the first storm where they used long range modeling, or at least verified their forecast potential as being accurate, somewhat? I remember them forecasting that over a week out hyping it up and did it deliver, more Miller A so appalachian areas got the most snow, but was still good here, remember we got like 2 hours of thunder sleet/snow midday in that if memory serves, would be nice to have something half as good for this upcoming period, lots of pieces coming together to pop off...
  5. that would be nice to save the season here, I believe I got about 2' in a week and a half period then...
  6. I feel your pain man, that's why a few years ago I dug deep to find records from the closest station to me, and had to go month to month from 1932 onward to collect seasonal snow totals, now I want to elaborate on that, with rain, and LE of the snow, and I had to put in an order for the dataset, but it never opens, just get an error... this was the NCEI database, I just gave up and am glad I did what I did so I have some historical record for the area, part of my job is to reduce and organize data from qual testing and it's really not that difficult to maintain it, fact that it was once there is even more frustrating
  7. TX definitely has some extreme wx, in the 90s I was in Houston for work a half dozen times and there was some wx anomaly four times, one heatwave, it snowed once and flooded from a tropical storm another, but the heat that time was insane, hottest I've ever felt... anyway, perhaps Wed can give me the .5" I need to top 30" on the season, honestly ready for spring at this point though, so much to do, and golf course openings.
  8. being someone with non specific hyper hydration (sweat like a desert yeti), I hate when it gets high than 50 dews, and I had to spend the last two Aug in south florida testing, ugh, but 75 and dry is ideal for me anyway, my wife loves that hot humid crap...was out in PHX a couple years ago and it was 110, but dry, still hot but nothing like Houston at 110/75! that was nuts
  9. seriously dude, three times this season I had driveway glacier issues, I remember this happened I want to say 00-01? where it was just constantly chopping ice in driveway and walks
  10. was my #1 in Waterbury, until I dug into the records for around here, it was #3 here at 153.2", behind 60-61 158.4, and 55-56 at an incredible 177.4, 66-67 was close 4th at 152.5, and 96-97 was the last 100"+ season here.
  11. on a brigher note, I only need.2" to top 30"....
  12. ripping quite nicely right now, too bad the best snow rates this season have been squall or fropa events...pfft
  13. 95-96 was just an epic season period, wall to wall storms... one of the all time best here.
  14. so, even the clown maps show less than 6" until the ides, I'll pass and just take warmth if that's the case, season is getting long in the tooth for sustained cold, though it has happened, but prognosis don't look good, meh I'm not even half to climo, so at this point want to get on with spring activities if it ain't gonna march 56 us...
  15. if this truly was the last significant measurable snow, then below 30" here for the second time in 10 years, and below 40 for the third, there was a few AN and about avg, winters sprinkled in, but damn... first two winters after moving up here were epic, 90+", had one that came close since, this is a 9 year span now
  16. no prob, there's someone else on this forum from torrington, though I don't see post much, white( something), lawns maybe??
  17. keep it for now let me look at my obs, and I'll get back to you, I mean it's not like we're talking about inches here, but maybe I mistyped one of my obs in the spreadsheet, I've got hand notes too to backup
  18. is that 29.3 for my obs? it's a bit off what I have, not by much but perhaps I mistyped or missed a small event, my obs data has me at 28.5" on the season, including this past event... I haven't gotten on the snow obs thread yet to enter my obs, gotta get on that, hard to do from phone and usually when I'm in my office I primarily focus on work stuff
  19. as I stated before, did an interesting read on that season, in particular that march, good article from Blue Hill observatory about the three storms that March that made it epic, you maybe a few others on here are probably the only ones who actually experienced that month and period from then to the early 70s, where it was as we say, winters of yore. us slightly younger folk begin our winter starting with 77-78 for me anyway, we've had some pretty good March winters in my lifetime, but those 15 or so years had some really good ones, a lot of clipper redevelopment type ones too
  20. I'm with you here, unless March delivers epicocity, get on with spring, I know the chickens certainly want spring to come, first year with them, lost one and had to give the rooster away, but they're producing all winter, ready for growing now too...
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