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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. no sooner than I report sniz, we've got dropped vis, and some actual flakes flying, breeze also slowly intensifying Let's Go!
  2. still 35/32 snizzle now, cloud ceiling really lowered though, has that look like main precip starting any moment now
  3. that would have been my choice of jack too, and to boot, next week also looks great for them, could have a 48" base for Christmas around those parts, already like 6-8 otg no?
  4. yeah that area looks to get hammered, I'd probably take the under on that though, and say 24"
  5. I usually put a tarp over it, and part of the run, so they can get out until I clean their area to scratch and peck at stuff, but I leave the snow on the coop as insulation during winter, hopefully they start producing more soon, been molting since early October, now they see white they clam up with the protein
  6. 35/32 and apparently virga, I expect snow to begin falling any minute here, if not starting as liquid for a while until we wetbulb, but I can already feel it dropping over the last hour from 38, and a bit of a breeze starting, radar looks stout south of LI, we redevelopment? any pressure readings from offshore showing that?
  7. was thinking the same, looks better just north with the lift and DGZ, may be looking at hours of sugar here while they pile dendrites up to the kneecap
  8. would not be shocked, and it looks like back to back with next week... they just all pulled off an 8-10er this past Sunday, good Berk winter of yore, actually lived in Pittsfield until I was like 4, have some vague memories of piles of snow
  9. kinda surprised Aly didn't at least extend the WSW to southern Berk cty, if for Nlitch cty... seems they are expecting at least 6" in these areas if not more and guidance supports, any ideas for this?
  10. watch up for my hood now, guess the trend is a friend...like Ryan's map, looking good to me, can't help but look ahead at next week though, also new ariens 36" blower arrived yesterday! can't wait to give it a go!
  11. berks gearing up for possibly two 16+ storms in a week huh...ALY cutting off the warning snows for this one just NW of my area, this will be one of those where Norfolk gets 6+ and I get 2/3" imby, but hold hope next week pans out, plenty of excitement in the tracking department, much better than last year
  12. right on the edge of something special here, will take my couple though, already better than last year
  13. Nice little area of 8-9+" around Lenox, Lee and savoy mass area
  14. 6.4 was the final on the board back home, more than I expected
  15. Report from home, now my dad is out blowing and said 5.5, just checked ALY site, Norfolk at 5.5 at 820, and sandisfield the same around 730, still snowing pretty decent he said
  16. Figured as much by your handle, nice up there, love the hike to the tower, looks like you're close to 5
  17. Probably, not sure how the areas closer to the river did, where in Simsbury are you?
  18. Over 5 @home, Norfolk always does better than me so I'd bet they have at least 6
  19. My dad is going out snowblower, back edge approaching but looks like it's filling in a bit, bought a new 36" blower, but won't be delivered until late week
  20. Absolutely, it's early, interesting to track
  21. Well, if it ain't snow, it's not an upgrade Ha
  22. I hear you, hoping that end week system trends colder, not really liking where it's going right now, but some more east members showing up, regardless it looks to be interesting
  23. She knows how much I value accurate values, being in my profession and all, and knows how much I love it...plus she's the best wife ever, just sayin...
  24. My wife is measuring 4.5 at home, I had her go back out and do multiple spots other than the board, confirmed...
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