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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. that's a nice look... does the GFS still have a SE bias or was that fixed with the upgrade?
  2. I'm currently going through a ton of archival data from my area anyway, and from what I've seen so far, early to mid March is much more of a snow producer than mid to late December, there are exception, but on average, March is a snowier month, at least for mby and generally SNE...
  3. yeah let's not jinx and start a thread outside 5 days, although it seems when you start one, odds are better...
  4. I've had an eye on that time for a few days now, siggy been showing up for at least something to track, looks like congrats fish atm tho...
  5. I'm with you there, I'd prefer getting hammered with big storms, then warming to save on utilities, not really a snow pack kinda person, honestly it's a hinder like in 2011 we were running out of places to put the stuff, I remember digging a walkway for the oil delivery guy and it was like layers of sedimentary rock from all the different events, some dog poo from my dog like 2' down fossilized ha!
  6. I can't believe they're still getting sound effect snow, what are some totals, sorry if it's been posted already I may have missed it
  7. thanks man, don't feel like 50 I'll say that, and people are generally shocked when I say I'm that old, so I guess it's only what you make of it, think 30!
  8. Merry Christmas weather frens! so it was so cold yesterday morning the chicken waterer froze, thought those were good to like 10 below, but apparently 3F is cold enough... looks like we have to wait until after the new year for anything wintry huh... still waiting for my birthday storm, Jan 3 I turn 50, would love a nice event.
  9. per my data I plotted, that was the all time top of the list winter for this area, and second was 95-96, as I stated before, there was a lull in winter snow from 32 until about 53-54 and peaked the next season, but until early 70s they were all up there, went down a bit until early oughts, and has been pretty steady since, although three of the last 4 seasons have been rats, last year was another under 45" year here. First three years after we moved to Winsted from wtby, were epic about 100", then fell off some, 16-17 and 17-18 were ok
  10. enjoying the deep winter feel with a good double of Woodford... it's down to 13 here off a 53 high 7 hours ago
  11. I like that area, stayed in the double tree in leominster quite a bit, used to go through Gardner on my way home sometime RT 2 instead of the pike
  12. I have to imagine Otis, Lee, Becket area has seen some accumulation, they have been under some nice echoes for a grip as well, nice batch moving towards Manchester NH too it looks like
  13. roads must be a sheet of ice because people are creeping out there, glad I got my stuff done early, I want no part of that, snow I love but ice especially with some snow atop it is the worst, wrapped my truck around a pole when I was younger on that crap
  14. I nearly spit my water out at this, while I watch a steady light snow and plummeting temps, despite radar, been snowing since sun went down
  15. for him maybe, I'd be loving it, only reason he lives there is he was a sports beat writer for one of those buffalo papers, nice area where he lives
  16. uncle in williamsville outside buf is getting hammered right now with blizzard warnings and 2-3' more expected, this is the second time this year in the same area, that's nuts
  17. down to freezing now from a high of 53 at about noon, good little squall line came through with the front but nothing major, winds are about 10-15 occasionally gusting, this morning must've blown the tarp off the wood pile, everything wet on top couple layers, that was fun restacking... went to Waterbury earlier today and my brother in law lives on top of bunker hill, looked like a tornado went through, man limbs and debris every where, rouge garbage cans everywhere..
  18. yeah I'm in the same boat, think I'm going to get another station just for the anemometer and get it on the roof of the barn, mine is away from all dwellings but the wind is sheilded by them
  19. was thinking this is about how bad it was during Nicole landfall when I was down there, I was a bit south of actual landfall in Juno Beach but still... think these are the strongest sustained and gusts I've seen here since that tropical storm I mentioned where we lost power for days, isais I think or something, the one that the sfc low trucked up the Hudson valley at like 60mph, had maybe 4hours of this kind of wind, large limbs everywhere then, don't see anything today yet
  20. power off and on three times last hour, just north of me, just south on a different leg ... topped 60 gust on an unofficial station, top of Winchester hill I believe. I think there up around 1200' past highland lake.
  21. yeah I've been complaining about that for years, and people who complain about them trimming around power lines, if they do try to trim, have no stance when they loose power because of it
  22. power went off for a minute heard the transformer humming, branch musta been hitting it, sky lite green
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