7" here, appears accumulating snow is about done, ripped nicely over night, vis was down under 1/4mi at times, nice to see winter again, almost 2' on the year now, a few more inches and it won't be officially the worst winter, snow wise here.
the way this winter has been, I'd be happy with this week just getting me more than 11", to surprise the lowest ever recorded here of 27.6", 15-16... currently sitting at 16 even after yesterday 1.3", this week does look good as currently shown for us in CT
1.25 on the day, like Will said, very sparkly in the light at night, nice little perfect dendrites too, i keep trying to get a pic of one but they're so dry they vaporize on contact with anything not very cold
someone mentioned how the NAM nailed the small event we're seeing today, I don't recall seeing it on other models, perhaps it's onto something, I mean we're closing in on 48hrs or so from go time, so within range
looks to me like the primary digs a bit more this run, still don't like the SE ridge though, think it's the doom of this, it has nowhere to go but shredded east, maybe I'm wrong, still not awful for south areas
second round of pixie dust has begun, had .8" from this morning, amazing that I'm excited about measuring snow in tenths...if I get another .4" I'll break 16 on the year!
unreal... excuse is we have to spend the money, so we get at least that allocated for next year, no thought into actually saving money... but making more potholes for job security come spring and summer, all at prevailing wage too...btw, official .8" today so far, nice little walk around in the snow was pleasant
sticking with 6-10" for NWCT up to SVT, that hasn't seemed to waver, that SE ridge is what's concerning as far as shredding this out and shooting it SE with that block
one thing that still concerns me is the antecedent airmass, we have yet to have a good one leading up to an event, marginal sfc temps, but colder aloft so it's promising
lock it in! I'm just over a foot from my lowest ever recorded 2015-16, and over 60" departure from seasonal snowfall avg... need to make up ground here and nickel and dime time is not gonna do it
strange meso low formed on the front and it's been nearly two days of sustained 20-30 winds, and absolutely pouring... I see winter is over back home where it's now near 40, from a low in the teens
bottomed out at -15 both at my station and Winchester center vol. fire, definitely some issues back home with cars starting, chicken waterer froze etc. it actually dropped down here as well it's 70, was near 90 if not 90 yesterday
doing construction a very good portion of my life, I've worked in 105F and 5F, and I'll take the 5F any day, it sucked for sure, but better than dehydration and as you said you can always layer up, fingertips be damned!