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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. not that it means anything at this range, but GFS sniffing out another stout sig around the 22nd, course I'll be gone, but nothing on euro. I just want smooth driving down to Florida, no rain/snow etc
  2. that is tasty, nice little present before I head to the land of exactly the same weather and landscape every day...
  3. I think that may have been the best stretch for me Jan 2011, just the biggest pack I ever had, I think I topped at 38", and that was Waterbury! roof rakes flying off shelves and we just missed the Feb 2nd deal...also, digging a path for the oil guy was like seeing fossil rock formations from different storms, with dog poop under like 3' towards the road it was like 6' from plows, crazy stretch
  4. good thing it's falling at night, good rates and lack of sun might be the only saving grace here for accumulating snow
  5. yeah some concerns now on ptype, still a good look at this lead
  6. ALY likes the Euro solution, still saying everything on the table still, but leaning towards Euro for this, seeing how it's the best placement, I'll take...WU has upped whatever they use, from 4" to 9" in just a few hours
  7. I'll take a 2-4" with this one and if I can pull 8-12 on Mon I'll be happy before I bounced back to Florida for a month, if I get more even better, if I can break 40 on the season, that's nearly half way to climo here, so not as bad as 27.5"...
  8. just hope it holds, I have more confidence in this than anything else this winter, I can say that
  9. I think the fact we are now ~5 days from go and it's still relatively been steadfast across all suites is a plus this season... just hold serve and I believe most on the forum will cash in on something
  10. yeah I'll take it, seems to me that there's a few more members out to sea that run, but majority of them seem to be tightening up just off the coast, other than a couple overhead members that is a good look
  11. still a lot of members way SE, but a nice cluster near the cape I take
  12. yeah, what made 96-97 worse, until March anyway, was we were coming off a historic winter in 95-96, where it seemed we were getting 3-6/4-8 every three days or so, but I remember a good cold spell in 97, or am I mistaken?
  13. my hope is for a calm period along the east coast from the 17th to 19th as I travel back to Florida, hopefully can squeeze out a good one next week and then I'll welcome spring when I return!
  14. I'll take a canal runner, although bad for eastern areas, my area has always done well with those, I'll also take a 4/97 redux, I had 18 in naugy at the time, but remember traveling to orh for work that day and was amazed how much was otg, iirc it was a blue bomb too, no?
  15. they'll be Dropsonde spitting for a BM bomb... do they actually do drops for non tropical events? I don't recall
  16. I spend a good part of my job taking data acquisition in various forms and deducing it to present in test reports, so I don't mind it at all, best is I get to spot seasonal trends in the data, and being a big pattern recognition guy, that satisfies me, ha!
  17. love these stats, I've been slowly in spare time pouring over the data from just my area, dating back to 1897, and putting together plots for all parameters, almost feels like work, reducing data into readable format charts and graphs etc, fun though...
  18. nothing would please us more than a slow moving, region wide dumper, I'll be happy with this winter if it ended with a solid double digit, crawler with snow for days and wind, yore! they are a bunch of sub 980 lows in that cluster
  19. wow, went from hope to surpass at least 35" down the stretch to possibly nothing but cirrus, hope next week at least can deliver a few inches to get over 30 on the season, good grief
  20. despite the nice 50 degree day once sun came out, still have a good 90% of the ground covered...doubt it lasts with any more days like this, it was beautiful this afternoon...
  21. also, I got almost half my season total from 2/17 on that year, great second half
  22. iirc, they went right into April, out east was getting hammered with each one too, I think one of those I had hours of sugar while it dumped inches to knees east
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