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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. oh that's nice, sit down and clean! no fighting the new snowblower
  2. I would love to see it verified, I believe I've only seen it verified a couple times inland in my life, that's usually relegated to the coast where those sustained winds are common, but near the coast with this one may not get three hours of 1/4mi vis snow, hopefully for there I'm wrong... my area doesn't see winds sustained above 35 during storms often, it's usually after when the NW screaming winds come
  3. as long as the B word doesn't get tossed out there, we're good... that's like the kiss of death
  4. ALY hoisted WSW for my area now, not Wavering on the totals either, still not sold yet but damn if all snow maps and NWS maps have been consistent for a couple days now, we shall see, excited regardless! game on
  5. ALY AFD says WSW will be hoisted once the model consensus occurs..HA, so basically a now cast event, I like how basically all models snow maps, and weather service forecast maps keep hammering my area, but I'm still not wavering from the 8-12 until we get within 24 hours and we have a solid alignment...one thing is certain though, this is going to be a bomb, fun times!
  6. Friday? 1.4"... funny though, just a couple miles away had 3+, up on top of east main in Torrington got double what I got, very odd little microclimate up here I've found
  7. I'd definitely love that outcome, just haven't felt more than a foot, for reasons I mentioned last post, temps are a big problem, if this can phase in the right location, and rip a hole in the atmosphere maybe we can get some adiabatic cooling to overcome that, but that is a big if.
  8. more in line with what I have been thinking all along, too many uncertain variables, mainly temps, the lack of a strong high in Quebec is a key, phasing is also key, who knows can always go up, but I'd hedge down if anything right now.
  9. a little more on par for what I was thinking for mby, but ALY has me at 18-24, I thought the three stations were going to collaborate with the snow maps, after the debacle a few years ago, I think the box map is what shows all of SNE, no? but I'd be shocked if we get more than a foot here and BDL gets like 2-4, that is a sick gradient... although, I got 1.4 this morning and just up the hill a bit they got close to 4
  10. Albany going big with watches 1-2 feet... sorry I don't see that happening, maybe we get to a foot if all breaks right, sticking with 8-12 here though, and with temps that may be a stretch
  11. well it's official, this season is now second worst, I need 8" now to surpass I think 5 seasons that are all around 36/37", 11 to hit almost half season climo... hopefully Mon Tues delivery goods
  12. initial thought was 8-12 for mby, until I see different, going to stick with, can always go up..of course can always bust Low too
  13. I'll still take it here, won't take much to push that south some, thought I saw 850 temps for all of CT below 0C, no?
  14. yeah I get that alot, even though I've been avidly following weather, models and the experience of some on this forum to aid in prognostication, and more often than not am right, still mostly my in laws tell me what the "news" said...hard to argue h5 evolution, teleconectors and ensemble members, etc ,when that's a different language for most
  15. approaching 1.5" with increasing snow, lulled for a while this morning vis is coming down under a mile, not sure how long this will last, or if we even get additional accumulation
  16. hands down my favorite, love all aspects of weather but yeah, something about how snow transforms the yuck winter landscape of brown and lack of color is amazing. I recall when we were kids just walking around, staying out in snowstorms until nearly frostbitten, I distinctly remember the April noreaster in 82, third grade spring break, almost getting frost bite from being out in it, good times!
  17. I doubt that even occurs, knew it would start as rain, but we're wasting a lot of precip waiting for colder air, and there ain't much of it around...can see some convection going on off NJ coast, so perhaps the transfer will draw some cold air down
  18. absolutely, love some snow, especially the big storms, air feels fresh, and I love cleaning it along with playing in it with the kids... still one of my favorite things is to take a walk during a heavy snow
  19. we mix... mostly rain but some snow in there, we hope...all I need is an inch to break the tie with 15-16 as all time rat
  20. down to 36/30, wet bulb around 28, still nothing falling out there
  21. I'll be embracing that next weekend,,HA...but seriously, whatever this delivers, it will be a nice storm to watch develop it looks like.
  22. like I said before, good thing this falls after sun sets, maybe we can get enough heavy rates to overcome, I think it starts as rain anyway and we wetbulb, you probably in a good spot there for a 6er
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