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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. 1/4-1/10 was always showing up as a shot at something, sigs popping up and disappearing, but unfortunately we don't have cold source until maybe the second of them and that looked suppressed to me, still time though for either of these, and how those waves will effect each other a nice phase with a good HP in S Quebec would be great to lighten moods and bring some from the cliff about now, maybe even stop the cancellation of winter on 12/29...
  2. I agree with the retention, doesn't matter to me, it gets stale if not refreshed by new snows...I personally prefer frequent snows at least one good cold stretch and total snowfall.
  3. so for those who put a grade on winter, other than retention, what are the other categories that factor in? frequency, cold, snow depth, total snowfall? just curious.
  4. I'll take 10/11 or 12/13 walking through the door, 14/15 was ok, but was better in eastern areas than here, by the Feb 2 storm of2011 I had about 35-40" on my roof! that was the most snow I think I saw otg, and had to dig out a path for the oil delivery and by the time I got to the road it was as tall as me and like looking at fossils, seeing the layers of different storms, that was cool. historically speaking, the majority of our best storms happen from mid January to mid February, with some outliers but that's always the most active period in my experience.
  5. I think that's the only one in my lifetime that went wire to wire snowstorms, and iirc, we had a pretty good thaw in mid January after the blizzard, maybe 2002-2003 was another? one of those winters was pretty good start to finish in early oughts
  6. yeah, lot of us in WSNE got skunked last winter while a lot were able to at least get near avg. I wound up with 41.25" 3rd worst of the last 5 years if you can believe that.
  7. it's felt like spring since well... spring, give or take a few hot summer days where I actually got above 90, and a few cold ones in the last couple months... granted I was in soflo and PHX for the middle of the summer, but the hottest it got was the week before labor day, then we went to Mizzou and it was scorching, then back to Florida for the most humid month I ever saw, but that is Florida... it'll change eventually here..
  8. well I'm scheduled to go to WPB for an engine test mid jan into Feb, so it'll probably snow then...
  9. was just looking at the snow summary I did, and late 20s to early 40s of 1900s, with a couple anomaly years were mostly below average, then the curve goes up from 50s to early 70s, and began trending down, and began going up again around the turn of the century, on a long enough time line, you can definitely see the cycle almost sine wave of the moving average, we're due for an up trend though
  10. looking forward to my birthday storm this coming Jan 3, many years it's been close to a good storm on my birthday but not great, would love a nice KU for my birthday...end of the week looks interesting, especially east of the river
  11. it's a foggy foggy Christmas... Merry Christmas everyone, on this balmy morning...
  12. I'll be there in a couple weeks for a month long test, enjoy.
  13. 3/17 was a good one, capped off the last big winter here, been avg or below since...the one storm that got me hooked on weather, winter to be specific, was obviously 78, I know you weren't around and 13 we got more snow and better rates, and there's a few that come close but 78 is now folklore for us here old enough to remember... I'm sure Oct 11 2/13 and the stretch in Jan 2011 will be there as storied someday, but let's see if we can squeeze out a big one in an el nino year, happened before, it'll happen again! I know we've all got that itch...
  14. indeed... especially late November 95-April 96, seemed like 3-6/4-8" every other day with a couple biggins in there, that was a fun winter. 13/14 & 14/15 the first two winters after moving up here from Waterbury were pretty epic too, over 85" both years, legendary piles too for igloo making with my son
  15. 12.3 this morning was the coldest of the season so far, got up to 35 tho
  16. 2.63" since yesterday, currently 58, max gust was 44, sustained was 23, so far no pwr flickering and appears the end of heavies is near, poor chickens are soaked, molting so half feathers
  17. 59F winds are 22sustained and just had a 44 gust, roaring out there
  18. will this be one of those winters where we get one monster and the rest is warm cutters and dry windy cold? has been the theme lately, and yeah I'd trade the rest of winter for a monster KU, was never really a pack or otg for start to finish guy, so yeah gimme a KU and I'll be happy if the rest is a rat
  19. gott the good warning text from eversource today
  20. i may have to go to boxboro to test that day, if so I'll make it, always wanted to make a gtg but distance and work get it in the way of it
  21. was gonna say the period around the 15-20th looks interesting, maybe we can pull out some white that stays
  22. good half inch on most surfaces now and still snowing nicely
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