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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. flipped at BDL within the last half hour, still snow at home in Winsted, had just over 2 there when I left at 11
  2. meh...bout an inch, snow growth has been paltry at least since 430, vis is about a mile, looks like the best good are going north into the berks points N and E awt
  3. appears 84S & E taint on the NAM, maybe someone just North of that rips for a bit... Berks up through SNH into southern Maine getting hammered 8+, 3-6 down to 84 and 1-3 to the coast I'd say now.
  4. that's the one that was supposed to bang on here, but 5 minutes of grap was it..
  5. meh on the squalls but winds have sent the hens into the coop.. it's literally pounding squalls all around my area it seems, I need something to come up from SW instead of W, because by the time they get here they break up or shift NE
  6. btw, gusting over 40 here now in the last half hour frequent...
  7. haven't seen much but some flakes here, brief burst of mod, but apparently the one coming warrants a warning... nice to see all the pics of ppl getting crushed by squalls!
  8. we just had a random gust that knocked over a 100lb large desk top on my desk, otherwise flurries and breezy, hoping to catch that line around the NY border
  9. so between 1&4 o'clock moving across SNE tomorrow? just curious...also just realized my anemometer crapped the bed, so I have to rely on the volunteer FD down the road for wind reports... bummer
  10. can imagine with high winds and frequent gusts, a lot of trees come down in saturated ground
  11. were you able to open the pic? i just realized it didn't embed, anyway it was a pic of about 18 during the storm on my grill, I stayed up all night for that one, and delayed a job interview because of it.
  12. that was a good year, I was rewiring a bank mostly second shift, in Fairfield and at noon they told us to call it, but it came down so hard and fast the Merritt was stopped and we got to Rt8 an hour later, didn't get home until like 10 that night, unsure if it was the Feb storm, but some fun ones that season
  13. yeah was nuts, I think there was a lawsuit or something that came out of that, because there were kids stuck on a bus on a hill until like night time, and I think another accident...they dismissed school early past tuesday because of wind...pfft! it's breezy out, send em home early!
  14. I recall one I wanna say was after 07 cause it was after I bought the house in Waterbury, we had heavy accumulating squall event right when school let out and a lot of buses got stuck and a couple had accidents, with all them hills it was insane
  15. Good cluster, but not that amped...still time to work that. I figure what happens on the 16/17th will have an effect on this one, with the s/w's being so close together.
  16. was that the one that put down a quick 5-6" in spots of SNE?
  17. it appears now my trip to Florida is going to be pushed right again, so I may not be driving on the weekend of the 20th, not sure if it's a good thing or bad, I was originally supposed to leave tomorrow... now maybe get to see a couple of good events and cold before I head down
  18. that was the most snow I've ever seen in a single event, although 78 was longer lasting and higher impact, we got 27" in 78 in wtby, and 32" in 13... I think Feb 83, or 82 I can't remember was also 2'+ in wtby anyway
  19. it was so close to, I remember just waiting for the growth to get better but never really did, although pretty impressive to pull a foot in sand snow
  20. I was in Waterbury for that one, and we pinged for hours after getting close to 2', which took totals down
  21. yeah WOR didn't do that great in that one, it wasn't zilch, but imby it was like hours of sand and poor snow growth and exhaust, believe I still got double digits though, just wasn't 2'+
  22. we had the same problem and have since put gutters on this old house, yeah we didn't have them, and pointed all the gaps between the stones, then applied multiple coats of water proofing paint, we used drylox, but there's a number of them you can use, I know it's tedious but it makes a huge difference, and the dam for short term issues I'd go with
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