Me too but they're in your house, they're in every house, the other day while I was working a big ass spider crawled up to me on my desk, I tried to smash it with my lamp but he got away, he's still lurking somewhere.
Mt BIL has 50 acres in Holland MA and his land borders a state forest and he has a lot of deer, most we ever counted at one time is 12, I never realized they hung out in such large herds. I've had 4 in my yard a few times but never saw 31, that's great to watch.
This link says it was a suicide, very sad, liked her when she was on 7.
Woman dies after getting struck by commuter rail train in Natick (
I got scoped too but never had PT to help with recovery, it was sore as hell for a while I remember that. Now that side is stronger still than the other side from the all the exercises I did.
I tore mine lifting one day, felt like a rubber band snapped, not great pain at the time but after a few days I couldn't brush my teeth with that hand. My doctor was terrible and didn't even prescribe PT so I looked into things on my own and got my strength back.
No, he thought TB would let him out of his last year if he retired and I think he wanted to go to another team. TB was stubborn and wouldn't let him out so he played his hand, it didn't work and he's back. In fact that last year of his contract is owned by TB in perpetuity if he ever wants to come back.
It's been that bad? i give the winter a C here, slighlty below average snow, plenty of cold, I've seen worse. 2012 I was in T-shirt by the end of Feb with little snow.