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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. matters to me too, had a hell of a time trying to get my tee into the ground on some of the holes yesterday
  2. Was striking the ball well tonight and putted well, wrong clubbed one hole and one bad shot and ended up 5 over, should have had par or at worst 1 over with better decisions. Great night to golf, cool and very little wind, perfect conditions.
  3. I do the same, I leave enough so if cut it I get the size splits I want.
  4. I cut and split mine in March, hate to do it in the heat, split two years worth.
  5. I'm not sure it's their responsibility to warn about top of the mountain weather, the hikers should do that on their own and there should be warnings at the base.
  6. I've never tried two buck Chuck but get my wine at a winery near me in Woodstock, they have a great red blend for a good price, I think I pay about $20 per bottle but worth it.
  7. Great Open, goes to show the course doesn't have to be super long to be challenging. I can't imagine what I'd shoot on that course.
  8. My shrubs in front of my front porch were wildly out of control, I trimmed them all down to 2 feet, hope I didn't kill anything but I looked online and did my research. Cut down some Rhodies and boxwood and a couple other I can't remember what they are. Anyone have experience with this type of thing?
  9. We've stayed there a couple times, once we rented one of the condos, it's a nice place and restaurant isn't bad.
  10. What a day to do yard work, didn't even break a sweat.
  11. Did that one day, it was 80, we went on a sailboat for two hours, was still chilly on the water.
  12. I was there two weeks ago, got lucky and had nice weather. Ever try Angelinas?
  13. Windy and cooler tomorrow, it's going to be brutal.
  14. It's just that Kevin didn't believe it, thought we'd be 70's. I prefer this weather to work outside in the yard to get everything done before it gets HH.,
  15. I was going to reserve one last year but decided to keep my current vehicle at least another year.
  16. See the guy whiff? Rough's high, went right under the ball.
  17. Were'nt they the town that lost power in the ice storm and didn't get it back for two weeks?
  18. You keep taking these baby steps moving a little more north each time, why don't you get it over with and move to Caribou.
  19. One rumble of thunder, dog dove under the desk and that was it.
  20. The greens are like pool tables
  21. My wife's Benz is like that, we don't even know how to use half the functions.
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