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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Way below zero up north, should start seeping down soon. MesoWest Surface Weather Maps (utah.edu)
  2. I've never gone a whole year without using the snow blower so something should happen this month. I'm talking 28 years.
  3. I've been oscillating between 16-17 degrees most of the day. I guess it should start dropping at sundown.
  4. Full on winter in your hood, I'll have to talk my wife into going up there for a weekend.
  5. In 94 I radiated down to -20 two nights in a row, coldest it's ever been that I can remember.
  6. Do you know the kid who stuck his tongue on the pole in the movie went on to be a pornstar?
  7. When I was in Grammar school every time it cold like this the old boiler would break down and they would send us home, I had more days off for cold than snow back then.
  8. When I was in Boy Scouts, we used to do a winter campout, one year we went to Treasure Valley in Paxton and got below zero, was a good year in the 70's with good snow cover. None of us slept, we stayed up all might sitting around the fire it was so cold. Fun times though.
  9. During a windy day last fall there was a baby owl on my wife's car, it stayed in the garage for most of the night but was gone in the morning. I wonder if the wind blew it out of its nest or blew the whole nest down.
  10. I had a huge family all fall, brothers, sisters' cousins cleaning up all my nuts, haven't seen many since fall.
  11. Was kind of in a screw zone with 8 inches but not as bad as that little blue circle NW.
  12. A foot of snow would be nice for this cold snap, my low where I live now is -16, don't think I have a prayer of touching that.
  13. Doesn't have a wife to piss off anymore, might as well.
  14. Can't they check temps with satellites now? There has to be places colder than where a thermometer was or heat too for that matter.
  15. I don't see one minus on that chart. I guess it will be 2/4
  16. I didn't get many last year for the first time in a few years, maybe it was the late frost. They're really good but you can eat only so many off the tree, you have to can most of them and give them away.
  17. I remember going up north to ski in the 80s and most times the skiing was ok, but they didn't have huge packs like they have the last 20 or so years.
  18. Should be fun in Quebec this weekend for the winter carnival, if I ever go I'd like to hit a cold snap like we're going to have. A friend of mine went one year with below zero weather, he said they wore ski pants while outside.
  19. In fairness to Kevin he says winter's over and and probably think's it April.
  20. Yeah, takes some of the fun out it, you make a run or two then go inside, back and forth all day.
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