I've been going from light snow to very light snow, even moderately light at one point, not accumulating, stuck ay 2 inches. Wintry fell though so that's good.
I think my carbs gummed up, damn things been sitting so long. Ill have to clean it out before Saturday and definitely by the time we get the 3-4 footer
Damn snowblower wouldn't work, had about 4 inches of compressed heavy snow I had to shovel. I have a coating of ice underneath the snow, my driveway is a skating rick, I was slipping and sliding.
Seems northern Worc County was a bust, most models had me 6 or 7 and I'm over 6. Though I just saw a report the next town over from me has only 3 inches.
I used to get a wicked headache for 2-3 days when I quit caffeine, I finally just quit for good, maybe a cup of tea or an iced coffee now and then but no more 2-3 cups a day.
Just got a winter storm warning on my phone for 4-6 inches, hopefully I get the high end and use the snowblower for the first time. Still looks active this month so maybe something will break our way.
I agree, this has been the most wintery week all year. It would have been nice to have this week before Christmas, nothing big just white and glazed trees would have been nice.