I have all weather tires, they're ok and never had a problem with my all wheel drive. Different story when I had a truck, used to get some good tires like Blizzaks that would go through everything.
45 minutes will be plenty in my driveway up there and to make a path for my dog. I'll probably get an extra battery too, I have 3 for my mower and weed wacker.
I know how you feel, my job is much easier without snow but I love snow, 2015 was hard inspecting houses, needed snowshoes, it was so epic I loved it regardless if I had to work harder.
Drugs must be involved. There used to be a guy in the neighborhood I grew up in that ran through town naked, he was in good shape and fast and at one time held the world record for pushups. He used to run to the shopping plaza and put his ass up against the big windows at the stores. No drugs, just mentally ill.