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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Not til Wednesday, enjoy the pack for two days.
  2. I like snow games usually but this game is boring.
  3. Hopefully we pick it up after that and start building a pack
  4. About an inch an hour there now. Live Rain Radar Map | Zoom Earth
  5. The ocean looks angry today, like an old man returning soup from a deli.
  6. I just took another measurement, 7 inches with some decent bursts still happening.
  7. Purchased several watermelons I assume.
  8. It did, it was just that it was timed perfect for the heaviest snow to happen during the game. I just crack up when people call it a blizzard or even blinding blizzard.
  9. Makes sense as everyone leaves at different times to get there but once it's over they all leave at the same time, that's why I wanted to spend an extra night wherever I am or I might end up sleeping in my vehicle.
  10. Surprised there weren't more snow games back then, it was a great few years for snow but not many games in the snow.
  11. In telling tales of yore, the Pats won that game on an OT kick in a wicked blizzard, if I remember correctly, we had a 2–4-inch light snow event. Will would remember.
  12. Maybe get a secondary to pop up offshore.
  13. I had a mess of some pretty good size branches in my yard, cleaned most up last weekend but I have a feeling more messes will come before the winter's over.
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