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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. snow picking up again, what a crazy storm, if you got the band over you it was a great storm, if not I guess it sucked. I should end up at 20" with this remaining stuff.
  2. I just watched a video on replacing the shear pin on my model and the guy used the bolt you just told me to use lol, live and learn. I'll do one tomorrow so I can makes paths for my dog, she was struggling to get around in the snow.
  3. Now you tell me, first time I ever had one break so never had to replace one, but now I have nicely sculpted snow banks that rival Kevins.
  4. shear pin broke on my blower and don't have a spare, had to shovel the whole driveway and walk by hand, back is already feeling it.
  5. Glad you guys got in on the death band, I was right on the edge of it, got super lucky, 18" and that last think band is over me, maybe I can hit 20.
  6. I got 17", still snowing hard but the band appears to be moving east. Good for you guys that haven't been in the band.
  7. I've been under the Worcester band all day, measured 6 this morning, looks like close to 6 on top, will measure shortly.
  8. nope, snowing like hell here, I feel guilty being under the band while some of you are in between.
  9. 29/heavy snow, band has moved overhead, hope it stays awhile.
  10. Moderate snow here, ground is white, dog is snow covered.
  11. He has me in the jackpot, doesn't usually happen where I am. Its usually east and also by the Berkshires.
  12. You can always go a few miles east to chase it, somewhere its going to be awesome.
  13. I took some awesome pictures up on the top of Dresser Hill road in Charlton from that storm, incredible blowing and drifting on top of the hills. I wish I could find them so I could scan them onto my computer, they're buried somewhere in my house. We drove up there with my brother in laws toyota 4 x 4 and got stuck by the ice cream stand, I had trouble opening the door to get out the snow was so deep. We ended up shoveling our way out and headed back home.
  14. Too bad there isnt more pictures from up there from that storm, that must have been something.
  15. I drove home at the height of that storm, stopped into my accountants for 45 minutes and had 3 inches on my car in that time.
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