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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. A front coming through with squalls, I'm having some here too.
  2. Just made it to 4, typical SWFE.
  3. Just under 4 inches, temp has creeped up to 27, just light snow so might hit 4 for the final.
  4. I'm down to 9, good cold airmass for this SWFE to run into.
  5. Looking forward to the aftermath pictures on this one, drifting should be incredible. I'd take one of those here and call it a winter.
  6. Hope it keeps up for another couple weeks, heading up for a long weekend and hope to see a good pack.
  7. That looks like a lake effect squall coming in to Buffalo
  8. Heavier stuff just east of me, looks like Ginxy caught part of it.
  9. Light snow falling here now, not covering the ground yet
  10. Looks to be on my doorstep, if I get an inch I'll be happy. I think someone gets a surprise overnight.
  11. After a wind storm I had a baby one in my garage, it was sitting on top of my wife's car. Ill see if I can dig up the photo.
  12. What did you end up with in your new hood Ray?
  13. Geez no, I didn't get that much, just enough to cover the grass, didn't realize you got that much up there until I saw Ray's post.
  14. I'm in no rush, we're not getting that arctic cold like last time that turned everything in a skating rink.
  15. Same here and I'm north of Modfan.
  16. Not if it shows us what we want to see
  17. Sleet with flakes mixed in here in Charlton.
  18. Ginxy has the hot hand and has been dialed in this year, I'll lean towards Ginxy's opinion on this one.
  19. Cost wise its probably not the most efficient way to do it but its worth the convenience to me. I'm ready to roll if my power gets knocked out this next storm.
  20. Hope you have 4 wheel drive for these weenie runs.
  21. Not excited yet, but we have a chance, better than the last few days which have been boring.
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