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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Thats what I have, nice white flowers when it blooms, the last one in my yard to bloom, some years I get a ton of fruit, I have about 5 wheelbarrows full one yrear. I read they make a jelly in Asia out of the fruit.
  2. I do too, I do take stripers home and the occasional blue fish. I make blue balls with the blues and they're not bad.
  3. I got a 5lb smallie out of the Quabbin, that was my biggest, you have it mounted?
  4. Its been silly busy with appraisals in the small towns in Mass and Ct. Prices keep going up and rates are low.
  5. Is that mansion occupied? Ive seen it and thought it was a hotel too.
  6. My friend goes there several times a year, loves the place.
  7. Go mini split, my sisters are awesome, resale is just as good too.
  8. I think I got porked on that storm by 10 miles, it was a sharp cutoff from 10 to 22+
  9. Spent a long weekend there, my sister has a house there, wouldn't mind moving there for good.
  10. Looking forward to your thoughts on the upcoming winter, hope its better than last winter.
  11. My sister lives there, she gets a lot more snow than I do and she's a mile and a half from the ocean. Just got back from there for a long weekend. That's where we're going to go I think. I might move a little more inland than where she is.
  12. Ive seen many bobcats too, that aint no bobcat, Ive heard reports of lions in Mass too, I believe them, bigfoot, not so much.
  13. Close hit here, just a grazing but blew the fuse on my stove top, happens every thunder storm.
  14. She does run fans all the time, over time I guess she figured out where to put them for the best airflow. She has one ceiling fan she runs all the time.
  15. Just spent 4 days at my sisters, she had two units and the house was freezing all 4 days I was there, she runs them like the guys above are saying, her house is 1680 sf and she also has high ceilings and they're mounted high up. I asked her the size and she wasn't sure.
  16. Waves were pretty good at Ogunquit yesterday.
  17. I'd do it anyway, thats some good food, you can enjoy it in any type of weather.
  18. Im almost in Woodstock in the outskirts, I can throw a rock and hit Woodstock so not in the center of town. Might have been that UCONN student, I got a good look at the guy and I swear it was him. He was in Kevins town and in Thompson so he was working his way up here before going back to Penn. Storms yesterday looked ominous but we got 9 in and they dissipated anyway.
  19. Staying at my sisters house, Ill be quarantined there for the weekend
  20. Ill be in Maine where it looks like a lot of rain, looks like Ill be stuck inside with steamers and a few beers
  21. Someone tried breaking into my house about a month ago, she woke me up and I saw a guy in a red sweat shirt trying to pick the lock. When he heard her barking he eschewed. Cops got his shoe, he ran right out of it. If it wasnt for her he might have got into the house.
  22. Not many if any dogs could handle a bear, thats the great thing about dogs is they protect no matter what. My dog saved my ass one night and Ill never forget it.
  23. I run a wood stove in winter and keep the house at 72, run the AC in summer and keep the house at 72, its always 72, this isnt the 1800's we have the technology and its not that expensive, Its actually cheaper with wood heat and $1+ a day in the summer to keep the house at 72 is worth every penny.
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