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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. I'm usually burning wood by now but with the mild weather and cheap oil I haven't bothered yet.
  2. You have my sympathies Bob and Jerry, went through it last year with my mother. Not a fun time at all.
  3. If I ever get a hold in one it would probably look like that
  4. I'll take a good end of December and good January, my hopes for an epic year are fading. You coming out with your forecast soon Ray?
  5. Friend of mine new him and had a lot of stories too. He was great competitive guy from what I heard and yes he could tip a few beers.
  6. The one's I seen around here are healthy looking, I saw a coyote pup cross the road one day, they are skittish, he took off once he saw me.
  7. Ive heard it a couple times in the woods across from my house, Im pretty sure thats when they attack an animal for their midnight snack. Howls now and then are bad enough but that frenzy is freaky.
  8. Me too know, I can make more money working on Saturday than I save paying for the kids to clean up. I help the economy.
  9. Longmeadow and Worcester are the only two I know of, but like Kevin said, if it snows early they sit and rot and make a freaking mess.
  10. When I used to do it I have a Husky pro, I can blow into the woods, my brother has to bag, he has a ton of bags filled. That's another step that sucks.
  11. Even better is to hire some kids, they do mine for $225 and it used to take me two weekends to get it done. I have an acre with a tone of leaves, PITA.
  12. My first day in San Fran they had a good shaker, first one I ever experienced, I guess you would get used to them after awhile.
  13. My wife said they gave me toradol too, hard to remember I was also curled up in a ball.
  14. I had one last spring, spent 10 hours at the ER, most of it waiting for something to help with pain. Im not sure what they gave me but it helped for a few hours. I ended up getting it zapped, after I got one zapped I passed 12 one being 10mm, that one hurt coming out but it was better than day surgery to get it zapped.
  15. Thought my blood sugar was low, that explains it, weird feeling.
  16. I did the same, I've had to adjust one now and then but never have to clean the gutters, worth the money.
  17. You might have snow cover from Halloween to Easter
  18. I won't believe it until Ineedsnow posts a map
  19. Im going to get one this week, can't hurt, right?
  20. Got down to 23, guess that's it for my tomatoes and peppers for the year, they hung in there for a while.
  21. Feels like mid winter, awesome day and night.
  22. I noticed that when I went to the grocery story, the higher I got the more fog.
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