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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. I spent a long weekend at Bolton a few years ago, it snowed all three days for a total of about 7 inches, it was great, it was light to maybe moderate once in a while. They had about 3 feet on the ground at the time.
  2. I just might do that soon, wife is sleeping, dog is quiet, so I'll give it more time, it's me who's getting restless.
  3. I didn't plan ahead. If we lose power, can't use new genny since I don't have an enclosure for it to keep out of the rain. Might try building a small lean to off of garage That's the problem I have, haven't had the time to build an enclosure, i may be able to keep it at the end of the garage but would be close.
  4. You have a stand by or portable? Almost put a standby after the Halloween storm but cheaper out and did a portable system.
  5. Not surprising, you get a gust of 40 in CT and people start losing power.
  6. Yet, as bad as he's been they've been in every game til the end but the San Fran game. Weird year.
  7. He's worse than I thought he'd be, Cam that is, Folk is better than I thought. Could be 7-4 or 4-7 this year with a play here or there.
  8. Maybe the sad face is because Jerry wasnt feeling well.
  9. It was pretty bad here to driving home.
  10. My BIL made his today with whiskey, was very good. First time I've had it.
  11. We had 9 people and had to open the windows too, its unseasonably warm and you get a bunch of people together and the house gets warm quick.
  12. Nice, mine is from Arkansas. Lit of southern dogs find good homes up north thanks to the work of a few good people. My brother just got one from Tennessee.
  13. Ha, I showed it my wife and that's what she said, looks like dinner and dessert all at once.
  14. Most of it is edible, just cut off the right edges.
  15. Prices are so high now for construction, we had a 2800 sf home built in 1994 for $150,000, its all good quality, not log but top of the line windows, cedar siding, 2 X 6 walls. steel Ibeam, hardwood, quartz kitchen. I can't imagine what it would cost today to replicate it.
  16. I like olives, I'd give it a shot on a cracker even though it looks like puke. Some good food looks awful.
  17. What's the stuff on the right between the cheese and nachos?
  18. Chicopee was the only town/city we never made an electric heat adjustment, it was on par with oil and gas, probably cheaper than oil.
  19. I do too, my wife wanted to try AT & T TV so we just hooked up, I kept Spectrum on my TV for one more month until we make a decision. She seems to like it much better and it's a lot cheaper. Unfortunately AT & T doesn't have a cable service so I'd have to keep Spectrum for that. I'm dumping land line phone with them since we use our cells 99% of the time.
  20. 2007 was great here until the Christmas Eve grinch melted it to bare ground by Christmas morning.
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