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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. My friends that like warm weather moved south, most to Florida, just saying.
  2. White flakey things falling from the sky, what is this stuff?
  3. Ill be up there with my ladies also, was hoping for cold and a little snow up there would be nice.
  4. Beautiful, heading up to your hood next weekend, glad its going to look like winter. Heading over the PowderFreak land two weeks after that, glad there's winter somewhere in New England.
  5. I drove home from Worcester earlier this afternoon and got bombarded with ice falling off trees, temp spiked now down to 39.
  6. I agree, hate ice, pretty to look at my too many headaches.
  7. Didnt realize it was that bad, I would think Feb/March should be better, law of averages and all that.
  8. Im starting to come around to that way of thinking but didn't want to say it out loud, thought I'd get roasted, of course I'm much older than all you guys and just started feeling like this last couple of years. Wouldn't mind a 12-18 incher at below 0 like Alaska has right now though.
  9. It is, they make a lot of money selling those warranties. Little known fact, if you happen to buy one (don't) and you get rid of the vehicle before the warranties up you get a refund of the remaining time.
  10. Dusting here, still snowing lightly
  11. Last time I went up there for three days it snowed the whole time we were there, only totalled 7-8 inches but was pretty cool. Moose fart snow.
  12. That should get Wolfie off the Tobin for now
  13. All vehicles have problems/recalls, its how they handle it that counts.
  14. Long time ago and they either paid you above market value for your vehicle or repaired it depending on the year. If Toyota makes a mistake they more than make up for it, in my experience.
  15. I'm a bit short this year, could use a couple cord, how far you deliver.? Looks like a few chances coming up in the next two weeks, things are bound to bounce our way eventually.
  16. Toyota Tacoma, have had 5 of them, best vehicles I've ever owned.
  17. The Brock Star, is he staying with the sox? Inquiring minds want to know.
  18. I was wearing tshirts first week if March, dont think that will happen this year.
  19. You guys give up to easily, still time left for us.
  20. This is not the overly optimistic James I'm used to reading.
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