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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. get a seresto collar for you dog, too bad they don't work for humans, LOL, I got lyme once now and Im always super aware, I don't walk in the woods without spraying myself with deet anytime of year, even in dead winter when its 10 degrees..
  2. I see that higher amount in the Brimfield, Wales are which is a higher elevation. Elevation definitely played a role out this way.
  3. I had 2" but its already melting, probably will be gone tomorrow.
  4. Look at that smile, already a weenie, good job Will
  5. Light snow here but Im not in the warning zone
  6. You could just go to the center of Rutland, they're 1200' elev and usually do well, can even get yourself something at Dunkies while you watch.
  7. My snowblower died as I was finishing cleaning up the second storm, it hasn't moved since then.
  8. Maybe I should try Lesco, my lawn is brown as are my neighbors.
  9. I drove through Connecticut for 3 hours today and not one single bug on my car, to be fair I didn't go to Tolland.
  10. I used to work in Springfield, cheapest gas in the state. We're at 2.19 here last I filled up, haven't checked today yet.
  11. 67, letting the fresh air into the house, don't think Ill hit 70 but Ill take a few days of 60s.
  12. Didn't Wolfie go up north this weekend? Be funny if it was his sled.
  13. Notice even in a soso winter most of Vermont is snow covered, its why I go up there every winter. It was definitely winter a couple weekends ago up there with about an 18+ inch base and zero when I got up at 7.
  14. Not crazy about Wilson but that's my preference, I like Taylor Made or Callaways
  15. I was working in Springfield at the time and commuting, I remember telling the people I worked with about the snow and my ride on Route 20 to Auburn and they didn't believe it, the days before internet were different than today. I had some good pics of Dresser Hill in Charlton to show them, drifts were 5 foot, speed limit sign was almost buried.
  16. I like optimistic James better than the pessimistic version.
  17. Haven't the weeklies been wrong? let's go opposite weeklies this time.
  18. Measuring in 78 must have been difficult with all the blowing and drifting. 78 had more of an impact.
  19. I belonged to a ski club in the 80's, we cancelled some trips because the conditions were so bad. This year would be fine.
  20. Not used to the cold, 14 degrees just slapped me in the face, other years it doesn't feel bad at all. Says what kind of winter so far.
  21. Maybe a tad low but it pretty much melted. I have a coating left.
  22. Looks like solid snow cover in your hood.
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