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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. I'd like to see that in the winter only west
  2. I was in Florida during this cold spell and thought I would come home to a dead garden, things are still looking good so I dont think I ever got below 35.
  3. Where did you get that pole? I want to set mine up.
  4. Thought of lighting mine but decided to wait
  5. I'm high so I don't radiate, my tomatoes made it through last night, I'm at 45 so I think I'm good for another night.
  6. That happened to my father down here in one of the early 90s winters. He was stuck under his car holding on to the edge, took him half an hour to feed himself.
  7. Put a Seresto collar on your dogs, been doing it for three years and no ticks.
  8. Had some decent fishing on Lake Ontario but the lack of feeder fish is putting a dent in the game fish, we caught a few Kings that were delicious. Going to try deep sea out of York next month.
  9. My nephew lives out there, he says its crazy how extreme it is.
  10. Not sure but dont stick your dingy into the nest
  11. Once the storm was East there were some heavy bands rotating in that area and piled up the snow, I think I got about a foot from the banding.
  12. Saw them im Worcester in the early 80's, Steven Tyler passed out about 4 songs in and a Roadie carried him off the stage, end of concert.
  13. The days of mets predicting 2-4 at 11 and waking up to 18+ are over, kind of miss those days, there was always hope.
  14. We're installing next week, great if you have pets, picked up the materials sat
  15. It's amazing how efficient the newer ones are.
  16. What building codes? They didn't have any.
  17. Holy crap, I'll take the rain but don't need that, glad I'm too far north. Hope no one gets hurt, that's a dangerous storm,
  18. Ive hiked it several times and drove up a couple times but really want to take the cog up. Its the only way I havent climbed it. Make sure your brakes are in good shape before the drive up.
  19. I have a plum tree I planted for shade on the south side of my house that gree fast and isnt a PITA.
  20. Pretty good light show right now to my north.
  21. Reminds me of our trip to Matunuck Oyster Bar last month, awesome dinner.
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