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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. 2007 was great here until the Christmas Eve grinch melted it to bare ground by Christmas morning.
  2. Raw oysters with a bit of horseradish and cocktail sauce are great. I went to Matuneck over the summer and had a dozen.
  3. Just my brother and sisters that we've been in contact with all along, probably the same for Christmas.
  4. Keep that up, I used to do that in my 30's into my 40's and slacked off the last couple years and I'm so out of shape, I felt so much better when I stuck to my regimen but it's easy to slack off when you're older and work gets busy. I regret slacking, will take me awhile to get it back.
  5. We had a ton of them Same here, wonder why the codman not getting many
  6. I did Maple and Burning Bush leaves, I'm wiped. Ill be sleeping before Kevin tonight.
  7. But his snow banks on his driveway will be epic.
  8. Don't let a moose lick you car, you guys in Maine better watch out Canadian officials urge motorists not to let moose lick their cars (yahoo.com)
  9. I see a lot of the chestnut when I inspect older houses, great versatile wood, was great for building and burning. Would love to see it make a comeback.
  10. Maybe they can stamp a red C on our foreheads.
  11. Mesh? not sure how many ways they do it these days
  12. I'm not saying don't milk it, tell the wife you're hurting for a few days and take it easy.
  13. Yes, they've come a long way, its not like Scott has to break rocks for a living so should be ok in a day.
  14. Its a piece of cake, I had it done on a thursday and worked friday, was sore and walked slowly but its a quick recovery.
  15. Oh brother. I'm looking at a third hernia surgery. My last repair from last year may have failed. Gotta call surgeon this week. I have another one too, procrastinating this time, last time I was in pain when I moved in certain positions so I did it soon as I could. My brother just had one that failed too. Sucks when it fails.
  16. Ive seen more trees up this year early than I have ever seen and I go into 10+ houses a week.
  17. Biggest drawback to fall golfing, love the weather but ball location is a big problem. Happens to us the last couple weeks of our league too.
  18. DJ looks good, hope you picked him in your pool, I have him and Tiger so hopefully Tiger has a good day tomorrow,
  19. Probably on drugs for a couple of days, back surgery can be painful. Ive had a couple.
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