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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Hasnt been a rather bot not good either, that's why I'm going with a C, could be C+ depending on the rest of this month.
  2. Lack of arctic air has been a big detriment along with the Grinch storm, if we get a KU this month it could raise it half a grade.
  3. In a down market you'd be surprised how many people have two mortgages for a spell, some up to a year. They find a house they really want but takes a awhile to sell the house they were currently living in,.
  4. What part of England got more snow than you?
  5. I give it a C, average, when all is said and done the results will register average, it would be a B if we had some arctic shots earlier and froze the big lakes, small ones have sold ice, the bigger ones do not.
  6. The strongest ones are right over my head.
  7. Everyone likes a big one or even medium but I love when I go up north to your area for a week and its constantly snowing. I was at Bolton for a long weekend and it snowed all the three days, added up to maybe 6-7 inches but blew around, it was a great atmosphere.
  8. Always does, it seems like people have short memories, these cycles keep happening and people keep panicking, don't get it.
  9. I wouldn't buy a house right now unless you get lucky and find a good deal, selling is easy, buying is tough, you're competing with so many buyers so unless you have someplace to go as a contingency plan I'd stay put. I see houses listed at $299,900 going for $350,000.
  10. You did it one and two inches at a time.
  11. I always get fitted when I buy clubs
  12. Im up to 43 now too, Monday night cold comes in for a short shot.
  13. Get weights and workout from home, me and my brother have a great gym set up in his basement, we put on the Bruins or Sox games and workout.
  14. I weighed more when I lifted and had a smaller pants size too. Been so busy I haven't been working out and ended up with gut, lost most of it on my diet and have to get back to working out to get back in shape.
  15. I was wondering what those upslope guys do when it snows 1-2 inches every other day, snow blow or a quick shovel. I'd rather get it all once and blow it.
  16. Been awhile since we had a good cold front come in with heavy squalls. i think it was 94 we got a few, that was a great year.
  17. I would go with either a lift if it fits, I've seen them at houses I appraise or a carport (cheapest option).
  18. Had that happen once too, don't ask
  19. Has Worcester gone below zero this year? I know I haven't, seems like a rare occurrence not to at least once.
  20. My brother's house is at the base of a hill facing north and slopes south to north, he retains snow a lot longer than I do. He'll have a solid pack two weeks after my yard is almost all bare ground.
  21. Looks like Azalea, Jasmine or Russell Calvin from the pics he posts.
  22. Winter Hill neighborhood, the house I had back in 95 near the Holden line was a good spot too.
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