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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. There are two baby skunks on my road that got hit by cars, both as white as your litter.
  2. Best whale watching boat I ever went on was actually a fishing boat out of Gloucester, heading to the fishing ground the captain spotted a whale breaching off in the distance, he asked us if we wanted to continue to the grounds or take a detour and look at the whale. We all voted whale. When we caught up to it, the whale would breach near us and swim around and under the boat, I remember a lot of dolphins swimming all around the whale. We lost an hour fishing, but we all thought it was worth the side trip.
  3. Getting there, have you done all of it by yourself?
  4. Is it the blue color that attracts them? I remember a few years back a guy on this site taped a blue plastic cup onto a hat and put glue on the cup, the cup was loaded with deer flies after being outside a little while.
  5. Im 82/55, usually Im cooler than everyone else unless the cooler air just hasn't got to me yet.
  6. I did the same last year, noticed a pretty good difference in my electric bills.
  7. Templeton and Chicopee are the cheapest because of what you said, there are a couple more but I can't remember right now.
  8. Finally getting some rain here, no storms but at least watering the lawn.
  9. I'm in the process of it, storms north and south and nada here again.
  10. Looks like I met get into the game for once.
  11. Same here, new cells to my south now, instead of north.
  12. I keep getting severe thunderstorm warnings on my phone and never get anything, sometimes a few drops.
  13. A lot of these days I only hit 89, not much difference between 89 and 90 or 91 really, especially with dews in the 70s.
  14. Once again it slips to my north, I just want some water from the sky
  15. Once again they slip north of me, I just want a little water for the grass and plants.
  16. Again, tstorms going north of me, looks like Worcester gets hit.
  17. What are your symptoms? Second time I got it, symptoms were milder than the first time.
  18. Probably sweated a lot, need to replenish with some ice cold beers.
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