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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. For this date, a 10 driving around with the windows down, no mud in the yards I walked through, can't beat it.
  2. You could tee off after dinner and get 18 in before dark.
  3. I hit 60 for a high, nice day, wind finally died.
  4. I was up there last year and the year before, even though they were snow ratters they had a decent pack both years.
  5. I give it a B for that reason and the sustained cold. Can't go above due to the lack of a big snowstorm or some well below zero cold.
  6. Up here in Maine too, solid snow cover, albeit ice mainly, gusty cold winds and snow showers this morning
  7. My sister's been here 20 years and says she loses power a lot, she's basically in the woods on a 2.5 acre lot. Have the genny going and the wood stove.
  8. Up in Maine for a few days, no power this morning.
  9. I think you have had more days with snow than without.
  10. This is the type of year we get a surprise storm in March.
  11. I remember Don Kent, whenever there was a storm, he got all the ratings, he was the best. I used to like seeing those snowflakes drawn in with a black magic marker, this was way before the modern graphics we have today.
  12. How deep is the snow in the bowl? I went there in August one year and people were skiing on the glacier that was left, it was over 10 feet high on a warm august day and long enough to get a decent run. I remember hiking up and seeing guys with skis on their back wondering what the hell are they taking skis up there for in August.
  13. Then a spring bomb to remind us its not quite spring yet.
  14. I noticed the rivers out in the Springfield area melted pretty fast, just ice on the edges now. That looks like the Yukon break up.
  15. I keep getting those even though I report them and block them, please pay $6.95 for your tolls. I wonder how many people fall for that, it's only a few bucks and most people drive on a toll road now and then. How would they get your number to text you should be your first question.
  16. Would two feet do it with 4 inches an hour? Thats what the April Fools storm was, melted pretty quickly after but it was a good day when it happened.
  17. I'd take an April Fools day again, just to enjoy it for one day.
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