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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. Wait. It was your first 40s? I've been in the 40s like 9x, and as low as 43. 1st 40s was 9/3
  2. Our area is boom/bust most of the time anyway. Only 7 times in the past 37 years that I've been measuring have I gotten to within 25% +/- our average. It is usually well below or above average.
  3. Agreed. Even though temps were colder, if you lived in the tri-state area for the 70s and 80s, I'm sure many thought that was the new norm by getting the 2 worst decades for snowfall back to back.
  4. I say we use all the years, not just 30. Not sure why we even do that. If we have all the data, use it all.
  5. Has nothing to do with it. Move on, it isn't 2012 anymore. They make new normals for a reason. It would be funny on the news if they said today's normal high is 75, but if were living in 1950, it would 72.
  6. When do you drop saying this? Were people still saying this in 2019 before we moved the 30 year average?
  7. Happy between yesterday and today got .19"
  8. This had me at 80 for today, got to 75
  9. I get it, I had only 12.5" total here that season. But many seasons one larger storm makes it so this area doesn't have a total dud.
  10. Who was measuring this from 1850 until the 1900s, or were these recreated?
  11. You can say that about a lot of seasons though, where one decent storms makes a season.
  12. How's your concrete looking? Powerwash it?
  13. Yup, steady light rain here now. .11" Did a lot of seeding for my front lawn and it's coming in nicely with frequent watering. With the frequent watering, my lawn looks pretty sweet....and a little out of place with the browning lawns in the neighborhood
  14. It is important, but moving the location would favor the Mets and that can't happen.
  15. Rain shower actually wet the ground here, nice
  16. That was pretty awesome. I live in that little dot of pink in Somerset Co. That month was my 2nd snowiest month of my lifetime with a 35.75"
  17. Agreed, he mentions everything so he's never wrong and when you question him, he blocks you. Typical X met that's never had a real job
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