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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. I doubt it would do anything. There are parking lots that have dark pavement that large and it doesn't do anything.
  2. Had a period of sleet/snow.
  3. Same, I can't see mine on it either. When I look at this view, I see my location marker, but it would perfect to have my station's temp on it as well.
  4. Will I eventually be able to add my station to this site?
  5. The snow bowl philly football game in 2013 was over a rather small area too I believe
  6. IMO, I'd rather a monthy or even 15 day "long range" forecasts over trying to predict 3-4 months of weather from late October-early November. There is just way too much chaos. I enjoy reading all of the seasonal forecasts, all the work put into them and all the different opinions, but there should be a * saying for entertainment purposes only.
  7. Or on the 5 day business planner when the deep white was on you instead of the gray.
  8. Their verification scores at 384 must be around 90%, lol
  9. He used his buckle up line in a mid-December tweet when long range looked good for a day. We haven't even left the driveway since strapping in, haha.
  10. I hope they miss at this point. Would rather it dry instead of wet and muddy.
  11. Thank you! I was wondering how they did come up with it. I'm guessing too that back then, humans had to record the temps daily (how often though really, every hour, 2x a day?) vs now everything is automated. Having monitoring 24/7 vs monitoring maybe 2x a days can cause issues too. Pretty interesting how they do it.
  12. the next day looks even...redder, lol. We will see what happens. Seems like a large change
  13. This is a general question that just popped into my head when looking at my weather channel calendar. The one fact on it for Jan 25th was stating that the global land/ocean surface temp in Jan 2019 tied 2007 for the 3rd warmed (going back to 1880). How many global stations (I'm not sure what they are really called) were there in 1880 compared to now? Was there 1000 stations back then, and 10000 now? Do they try to use the same number? I'm guessing if they are using that stat, they aren't using sat temps? Thanks for the input in advance.
  14. I don't have anomalies, but I have solar panels with a history going back to 2012. 2018 had less sunshine than 2019, but 2012-2016 a decent amount more than the past 2 years. 2017 I had an issue with them, so that data is incomplete.
  15. Very accurate description. I think I get just as excited as my kids for a snow day still.
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