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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. Nice split today, 37 this morning, 73 now with not a lot of wind finally. I'll take that any day.
  2. Yeah probably. Crazy growth.
  3. 2 million people is a lot though even with green areas. I didn't realize how much LV grew in population until I saw that chart and numbers. I wonder how many area's grew by 2 million in 30 years.
  4. The population of metro LV went from 708,000 in 1990 to 2,700,000 in 2020. Those who say urban heat island contributed greatly to that # would have a decent argument I'd assume.
  5. Kind of similar out my way in NJ. Just .27" Hopefully something pops up later.
  6. .41" here. I'll take it.
  7. 87 yesterday with a trace of rain. 76 and muggy now
  8. Full sun, 72 here. Beautiful
  9. Had pea sized hail here yesterday in a brief storm. 42 mph wind gust. Only .04" of rain.
  10. Stupid clouds moved in too early here ruining it. Still feels nice outside though. We did hit the forecast high of 67 briefly.
  11. Already 100% clouds here in N CNJ. Forecast was 67, currently 64 is the high. Maybe those NE of here with more sun can touch 70
  12. The diurnal range has been large pretty often this month. So we have needed the heat on at night, but then maybe can open a window by 3 pm.
  13. Yes, May 9th we had daytime snow showers. My pool was getting opened that day. Then by May 15th my kids were swimming (with help from the pool heater, but it was a warm day.)
  14. It got down to 37 here last night. Tons of 30s around the area last night outside the typically warmer spots or areas that stayed cloudy.
  15. Some drizzle has began here. Looks like some drizzle/light rain moving in over the next few hours if it holds. Topped out at 70 earlier with the sun.
  16. Yeah, mine, which have been pretty good for a decade+ now, have been worse this year than usual.
  17. There was a 20% chance I saw...apparently 100% here, haha! I think it is done at least. Hopefully it wasn't enough to damage those boards
  18. .15" of rain so far this morning. Still getting some light rain.
  19. Those cold mornings there only got to the low 60s. So similar to here the past few days.
  20. Funny thing, I was in the Jacksonville area on vacation. Those were some cool mornings! It felt like here, haha. I did manage to have 2 80+ days down there though last week.
  21. 1.20 yesterday. Looks like when I get back from Florida on Easter weekend it might be quite chilly.
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