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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. 1.5" then some sleet, Frz rain. Pretty huge bust when the forecast was 4-6" here. Overperformed with the last storm with the 4.5" I got, so I guess it evened out
  2. What does 06z look like during the same timestamp?
  3. I think some are already burned out from a lack of anything resembling winter and their patience is already gone.
  4. The typical areas were pretty bad. I was a little surprised too. I did read certain areas of town were "cut off" from others because of the flooding, so maybe that is why they did it? Also, teachers might not have been able to get to school from wherever they live? Now what day gets cut from the school calendar, haha.
  5. Fantastic post, and even less down in our area, but some I guess never bother to look at past history and think 95-10 is the norm, and when there is a slight snow drought, people think we are now North Carolina.
  6. You still there? I'm over in Peapack....until next month when we close down and I head to NYC for work.
  7. nice! dusting on the mulch and deck here.
  8. The past few years the mjo stuff is getting more and more. A few Twitter guys with big followings post about it and then everyone latches on to their teets and think they got it all figured out.
  9. Isn't the high supposed to be what the average high typically is for today? Warmer than average morning though.
  10. Wrong MJO phase, will never happen
  11. How often is the NE colder than normal and actually had snow when we are in "bad" phases? Are there any charts for that? I'm sure it will take some research if not.
  12. he posts sometimes on a PA centric board and has fairly recently. he hasn't said anything profound though that anyone else hasn't already said.
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