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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. It was mid-May. I was getting my pool opened, midday, and snow flakes were falling.
  2. Thursday is going to feel like an icebox after this. GFS, CMC and Euro in the 40s.
  3. Feeling warm typically happens when you wear a hoodie and jacket when it is nearly 80.
  4. Yup, 55 here with gusts near 30. 1.35" of rain.
  5. Pouring here. Nearing 1.25" total now. Temp did drop 7 degrees so far with the rain
  6. I was up to .81 before this rain moved in. Pretty much a guarantee we get over 1" once again. Had some decent thunder around 8 am.
  7. Happy the freak snow band in that one event got me to pretty much normal at 28.75" for the season and like 22 days of snowcover for the year. Snow normal, temps even close.
  8. Mostly cloudy, just in time...smh
  9. Pissed I'm in Florida to miss the quake. Epicenter was like 7 miles from me
  10. I'm in Florida, so that was from my station which i can see from my app. But I saw a cocorahs near me with 3.6" as well.
  11. It reminds me that not every season is a winning season and that there are tons of ups and downs.
  12. 2017 there was one. 2044 there will be one.
  13. The satellites that measured the ice from say 79-90 vs the 1000s more we have today, do you think that makes a difference at all? They are probably way more precise today with many more doing calculations than the handful we had 40 years ago. I wonder if we were to use 1980 tech to measure today what that would have come up with.
  14. https://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/local/new-jersey/2024/03/29/what-time-is-total-solar-eclipse-2024-south-jersey-map-path-time-zip-code-guide/73144083007/ You can put your zip in here and see what % of the sun will be visible
  15. Yup, heard all the basement cleanup and remediation companies went out of business since everyone did their repairs.
  16. Came back from great weather in Aruba to great weather here (73), but also to tree that fell from the wind the other day and took out a few sections of pool fencing.
  17. Late with this, but got 12" here. Lucked out big time in the death band
  18. Had a 48 mph gust recorded on my station about 15 min ago
  19. Did the trimonthly get to 2.0 for this to be super? I feel like I've seen both listed elsewhere.
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