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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. Save these posts for the 94 and humid days.
  2. Climate change is the only thing people trust what the government tells them (since they are in bed with and fund most of the studies). They nailed that 100% compared to all the other crap the gov feeds us that we are allowed to question. Congrats to them for that.
  3. Same here. Forecast was 86. Wind really picked up.
  4. Sun out here now and the muck is gone
  5. I was walking up my steps after my kids were leaving to school and didn't feel it, but then saw a ton of posts on the local FB page saying they felt it.
  6. Pretty sure there was another decent earthquake just a few minutes ago. Yup, 2.6
  7. Made it to 72 so far here. Feels pretty nice
  8. Getting there. See some blue skies here, temps inching up
  9. Glad we figured next winter out early, that's that.
  10. 86 here as well. More clouds than sun now.
  11. That rain in PA going to fizzle? Looks like it's holding together pretty well so far
  12. 30.8. Trenton tied a record low of 33 that was from 1919.
  13. All I'm saying is that it is going to take many decades or even more to change. Every single thing in our lives depends on fossil fuels in some way. Even things that are "green", at some point in the process fossil fuels play a big role in that so called "green" product. Good luck trying to change it any time soon. Even if you think of one of your hobbies, fishing. The pole, line, hook, lures; fossil fuels were used somewhere in the process in order to make all of that, ship it, etc. That is one tiny thing that would need wholesale changes.
  14. 31 with frost again this morning.
  15. Guess what was used in getting access to those medicines/lab equipment/people getting to those labs to do the work..something that has to do with the fossil fuel industry. There is nothing in your eyesight right now that the industry hasn't touched in one way, shape or form. It is going to take probably centuries until that changes and you're not going to be able to convince anyone to change that right now.
  16. Want to know why, because people are living longer than ever, mainly because of fossil fuels. Ever realize the temp hockey stick you can lay on top of the average age hockey stick and they match? It's going to be hard to convince the world to give up on fossil fuels since that industry is one of the top reasons we now don't die at age 40.
  17. 31 this morning, lots of frost
  18. I'm hoping this May is a repeat of last May. I think we only had 1 total rainout. Looking at my solar system, last May had its highest kWh output since the system was installed in 2012.
  19. It was nice to see the sun for an hour or so. Now back to clouds.
  20. I don't know. I know in winter I love cloudy days with snow showers with the sun setting at 4:30. If I can like that, I can see people liking cool damp days in Spring.
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