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About FPizz

  • Birthday 10/12/1978

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  • Location:
    Branchburg, NJ
  • Interests
    Baseball, Football, Basketball and weather

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  1. Man are you obsessed with him. You might be his most loyal follower
  2. Wow 3 whole years, what are we going to do! One was a terrible year, one average and one a bit below average here. The 90s had 7 bad years out of 10, but maybe you weren't born yet.
  3. Official to what you consider are two different things. 100 years from now when Bluewave the 5th is posting, he will look at official records and it won't say negative. Probably similar to when you look at something from 100 years ago from an official site and scream about indexes.
  4. I think people sometime don't remember things correctly. Some of the "good" patterns people bring up from past years were only "modeled" good patterns and never actually moved up to hour zero to be actually real.
  5. If it was 37 and sunny all the snow would have melted too.
  6. He's been saying the same tired line about twitterland for years. You would think he would have discovered the unfollow button by now.
  7. and less than 30 miles away it is closer to -6+. He's lost his marbles. The lower 48 is having it's coldest January in 37 years. But NYC and places NE of there are only -3 it isn't cold.
  8. An average year had 14" of snow through Jan where I am, and am currently at 13". So, pretty average in that department. I'll take it with the cold that has been around mostly since Thanksgiving. It has felt like real winter.
  9. It has been 5 years, but the prior 3 to that averaged 16". March averages a little more snow than December, but I always consider those months more hit and miss anyway
  10. Nice, 3 below zero days in a row. Very rare! I just missed the 3 days below zero, -1, -5, 0.5
  11. Yeah, something must be up with his Station. I was -5 and I see Somerville was -8. Looking at the ambient app, most places around the area were -2 to -9. I see the other Hillsborough guy was -4.9
  12. -0.4 this morning. Back to back months below zero, pretty rare in this area.
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