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Everything posted by Stash

  1. That's a big cut off on the Euro for an East Coast storm. Worcester over to Boston and the Cape up to Southern and Downeast Maine look great for a blizzard. Worcester always seems to be in the right spot...always just east or west enough.
  2. That was one of my first weather board storms here in the greater Albany area. We were not allowed to utter that storm's name for a long time. I had over 2 feet just north of ALB in that one...some acted like we stole their (NYC and MA) snow.
  3. I remember DT! Whenever he lost it, he'd start flinging insults left and right, frequently misspelling them. Remember Don too, and he was always a pleasure to read on those old boards.
  4. Yeah, he stayed mostly in New England. Some ENY'ers probably stay over there since we rely upon the same types of storms for much of our snow. The NE crew are usually gracious, but I can tell some of them dread it since when they see us it means some of their southern and eastern posters are going to get mix or rain. We're sort of stuck in-between climates out here. We get some lake effect every year, but nothing compared to you out that way. Our seasonal snow totals resemble those in Central New England, but we frequently find ourselves on the NW fringe of some of their big ones.
  5. Sadly yes, but my internet setup at the time did not play well with most things usenet, including a couple of the weather boards I attempted to visit.
  6. I think you're referring to Rick (Logan11). Good guy, and he still pokes around from time to time I think. I think he spends most of his time over at another board that a former disgruntled New England poster started a few years back.
  7. Wasn't Eastern where the boards split regionally before the it ended? I remember trying to keep up with the Valentine's Day storm there, and not being able to keep up with the fustercluck main model thread. I had the same name, but didn't post a whole heck of a lot. For whatever reason, a few of us Upstate ENY guys post over in New England, so I jump back and forth between here and there.
  8. Albany isn't much better at around 12, but I do have a soft spot for the New Englanders. I was born and raised in CT. They have some brash posters over there, but overall they're a decent group. They just take their nor'easters seriously.
  9. UKIE eventually tracks it across the cape. That would usually be a somewhat decent solution for us. I would rather see that from a more respectable model...
  10. It's been a great month for Buffalo. If things keep up out here the way they've been this season though, I might ask to borrow your lake for a couple weeks.
  11. Nah, those of us that live out here have seen this from the NAM time and time again. I haven't invested much time with this one, but someone in Eastern New England should make out very well.
  12. By Thursday, some off hour NAM run will probably crush all of CNY and ENY
  13. Ballston Lake area. It's a hamlet a few miles S/SW of Saratoga Springs and about 20-25 miles N/NW of Albany. From the Amsterdam area, probably about 20 miles east as the crow flies.
  14. Yeah, hammers ALB pretty good, but quick cutoff N and W of there. That's the solution I'd be used to from the late 00's through the mid-10's where the Catskills through the Berks get hammered with the secondary band while we deal with fairy dust to the NW.
  15. I'm sitting somewhere between 15-20" at best on the season...I haven't added up all the tenths yet. Albany Airport is currently getting beat by Jackson, KY, Charlestown, WV, and tied with DC. It's been brutal overall, but the cloudy and cold weather has let us maintain our snowpack at least.
  16. We stayed mostly snow for this, so it certainly overperformed my expectations being this far east in NY. Took an average of 6" on the boards, so not too bad considering the track. Snow growth was pretty bad as expected out this way for much of it, or we might have done a little better. Congrats to those in WNY and Ontario, there have been some incredible reports out that way.
  17. Heaviest snow of the storm so far out this way, but probably a solid moderate in intensity overall. No mixing here yet, but the heaviest looks to remain well to the west of here. Those were some fantastic videos out of the Buffalo area.
  18. Steady light snow has begun here in Eastern NY, with a quick coating. Still a very chilly 17 degrees.
  19. There are a few of us here, but this storm, as well as most lake effect events are not typically ours to get too excited about. It depends on the storm. When last December's storm dropped 20-40" from Binghamton to Albany, I am guessing more of us from this area posted about it. Excited to see what happens further west. I'm happy for them too, as they don't get to see too many synoptic storms like this! It's a pretty good group here overall, and even if there are more posters from out west, they won't hold it against you for getting excited about the next coastal that buries ENY.
  20. I can't count the number of times back in the day an off hour NAM run a couple days before a coastal would suck me back into a storm by a rotting a def. band over me, while all other guidance (and by that measure, all training, knowledge, and good sense) had it well south and east of me. Right now, some weenie 100 miles north of Toronto is experiencing the same thing.
  21. When I first moved to the area in the 90s, Alb averaged closer to 67". The last couple of 30 year climate updates have steadily dropped it to around 60 now, while most other northeastern cities have increased their averages. Just a lot of bad luck for them in the 2000s, outside of a few massive storms.
  22. It's not awful. 60" average for that location isn't too bad at all. It takes a strong easterly wind to downslope them during nor'easters, which typically doesn't happen (Dec 92 a rather rate occurrence). It downslopes easiest on a SW wind which isn't concerning during a winter storm. It does just fine on the typical N or NE wind.
  23. Not that it'll make you feel any better, but after Monday parts of Kentucky might have more seasonal snow than me. Certainly if the NAM is right anyway (yeah, I know)
  24. I would think that 700mb low placement on the GFS would be ideal for the SYR area, but it keeps limiting it to the BUF-ROC corridor. This is terrible for here in ENY but we were out of it early. I can't think of too many (any?) storms that evolved like this in mid-January, so from a science perspective its interesting.
  25. That is usually overdone on the models for there. It takes a rather strong easterly fetch to downslope them severely (Dec 92 is the only somewhat recent example of severe downsloping in the city). In terms of climo, the typical areas of shadowing in ENY during nor-easters are in southern Washington County and Northern Rensselaer County. The City of Albany itself, shadows more on a SW wind flow, which is unusual in nor'easters. If this thing does cut west, depending on its orientation, I suppose it could happen. That said, I do buy the lower totals. I don't usually trust big amounts with the SLP tracking to our west. Its usually an initial strong thump, then rather quick dryslotting/sleet/drizzle.
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