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    Ballston Lake, NY

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  1. Yes, it went from first flakes to snowing moderately very quickly.
  2. I know it's for a relatively small, (though highly populated) area, but Buffalo's forecast through early Christmas might be the single craziest one I've ever read for a non-mountainous area. Certainly for any well-populated area. What they've experienced today alone is insane. I hope everyone stays safe out there.
  3. Tiny town, but you're right, they do in most setups. I think they're over 2000' too.
  4. Frequently shadowed off the Greens. Many apply it to Alb too, but they rarely shadow much unless it's a screaming east wind. The 'Dacks through the Greens should really clean up with this one.
  5. It isn't much compared to what some of those experienced last month in Western NY, but there was a nice little storm for those of us in eastern areas of Upstate yesterday. Around 7" here, and 6.6" officially in ALB I believe. It was roughly a 12-hour event, with rates briefly tickling around an inch per hour at its height. Just enough to make the roads messy, but also enough to help get into the holiday mood.
  6. Moderate to heavy snow all day here so far. Albany with an impressive 5 straight hours of heavy snow, w/ gusts over 30mph the past two. Nice to see after a crap winter there.
  7. I spent my first 21 years growing up in the hills of Western CT, and until I joined the old Eastern board years ago, had no idea the hills got that high in Tolland County.
  8. Hopefully we can keep this SE (for Eastern Upstate), as temps will be marginal here as it is. I know WNY doesn't want that however. Aside from this weekend's storm, we currently have moderate snow outside here now. It's accumulating on grass and cars, but nothing on the roads yet.
  9. That's an impossibly beautiful location around there. It's one of my favorite places to visit, and I'm blessed it's such a short drive from home. About 8" total at home here. We still have a long way to go to salvage the season here in ENY, but this was nice. Gusty winds this evening, with blowing and drifting snow. The night has a nice, deep winter feel to it tonight.
  10. Heavy snow tapering off. I'm working just outside of Albany today, and it looks like about 6" or so. They had a several hour period of heavy snow, and it's been all snow so far. NAM didn't do a bad job overall, but at least for here, it was a little too aggressive with the warmth. This has been a quick mover though, so it looks like we'll only realize the lower end of most forecasts. Even so, this would be their heaviest snowfall in what has been a pathetic season for them.
  11. The 2"+ of sleet (mixed with freezing rain) we had here just to your west a couple weeks ago was more disruptive than 8-12" of snow. It was compounded by the Arctic airmass immediately following the storm. I went out to the driveway towards the end of the storm, tapped the mass of ice with my shovel once or twice, and went right back inside.
  12. This area has been pretty locked in the past couple days for the first time this season. Still think a general 6-10" will work, with maybe a few areas up to 12" if everything breaks right. It's not dumping a ton of moisture and ratios won't be the best, but should still be our best storm in over a year.
  13. Climo out this way for a SWFE is fairly similar to much of New England, with a pretty straightforward 6-10" for most. Quick in and quick out, unless the Mohawk-Hudson convergence can set up, depending on low level winds and when/where the secondary takes over. It would easily be the best event of the season for most of us in Eastern areas however.
  14. This will be KALB's 4th straight below average snowfall season I believe, with 7 out of the last 10 being below average. The 3 that were "above" were only marginally above. A few extreme storms can't erase the overall string of bad luck it's been on, and it looks like SYR has joined them. Some of Upstate's biggest storms have occurred in March, so maybe we can make up some ground then.
  15. Compared to much of Upstate NY it is. It does better than the Hudson Valley area, and maybe Elmira? When I moved up here from CT I was actually surprised at how well it does in terms of snow given its location. Hearing relatives from other parts of Upstate talk about it, you'd think it never snows here. The capital region in general averages 60-65", better than most non-mountainous and non-lake effect cities in the country. I guess it depends on one's expectations, lol. You've done a little better than I have this season though, as I'm around 23"-ish.
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